



5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 06:59 PM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 07:00 PM by Taurig.)

The titan had aided his aunt from the battlefield, allowing her to rely on his large mass as her crutch. The valhallan queen had injured Sendoa in a very awkward place, just at her left armpit, which most likely made walking pretty uncomfortable if he had to guess. He would've offered to carry his aunt, given that he was was a giant compared to her. But the overseer had refrained from offering because he knew his aunt would refuse him, she was a warrior and a little bite to the armpit wasn't anything major. He would've refused help too if he had been in her same position. The two blue wolves would arrive on the scene, his aunt taking the lead. His father was on the ground, Eris starting to tend to him, Argent there as well, with the strange healer from the battlefield lingering as well. He had missed the exchange from his father towards the stranger, but it seemed he was somewhat welcomed, though it was clear all glaciems were wary of him, Taurig included.

He would pass by the small group, nodding to Eris, Argent and his father, giving the strange healer a passing glance of wariness as he moved past them towards the water where his aunt was heading. Eris and Argent could take care of his father just fine. He would attend to his aunt as much as he could. The grey-blue knight would approached the blue woman, brushing against her uninjured side. Let me help you. He would murmur gently in her ear, slowly guiding her towards the water.

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