
Dealing With the Devil



6 Years
09-21-2013, 07:25 PM

Glaciem wolves spewed from the seams like roaches, coming in no different fashion than upon the battlefield. They seemed creatures always prepared for a fight, seeming to wear their small numbers in ways they didn't even realize. Sendoa approached looking at Azalea as if she were crazy.

?How generous an offer, Azalea. I wonder if you know what it is you are sacrificing for the freedom of your precious king?? Azalea said nothing, distracted by the wolf that trailed the steely woman. Vixe. Slate grey fur marred with patches of white, acid green eyes. She couldn't miss him if she tried. His massive form would not allow her eyes to stray. Exhaling, she let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. His eyes met her and she blinked, looking away quickly in hopes he didn't catch that she had been staring. This meant too that she missed the look of warning.

Everyone seemed to think this was a bad idea, even Glaciem wolves. Her attention was drawn again, an ear tipping in the direction of the king as he lumbered closer. A pale vision, horribly grotesque in her eyes. Pink tinted with eyes that lacked any pigment but the blood that flowed behind them.

?Ah, so she comes with wisdom; to toss her genetics amongst an already thriving pool? What a lovely decision my little dove,? Her eyes grew into slits. ?Such pretty little spawn you would bare.? Her ears flipped back as he made clear what he meant. So this was what the others had intended to warn her of. "I will be taken hostage but I will not be made another one of your harlots!" Her words came swift, loud, and ferocious. A snarl broke out with them. It was too late to take it back when she realized that she had not minded her tongue as she had meant to.

Now her ears clung back to her skull, amber eyes flicking to Vixe almost begging him for some solution but she knew there was none. Azlaea stood, taking a step back from them. "I will go with you but I want your word that Gideon will be freed." Her tone was prompt and perhaps a bit demanding. She wanted a fair trade. She wanted to believe that Isardis could keep his word.