



01-31-2024, 07:27 PM

It was cloudy that morning, and not wanting to be outside for once Sulfur had taken back to exploring rooms in the resort. The dark pup was cautious, nose peeking in first to see if he could scent anyone else in a room before he poked in. He didn’t have that same confidence Wade had where he’d walk in like he owned the room. This one was… different. It appeared to be a room with lots of different stuff - a storage room the lad would later learn. Lumber, vines, rocks, and other various materials were sorted for their usefulness in whatever manner they had been able to be brought in by.

Red eyes shining, Sulfur made his way to the lumber pile and stood on his hind leg to place a paw a bit further up. Head tilted as he looked up higher, where the stack was taller than he was. Could he get up there? He dropped back down, trotting to another spot before doing the same thing. Hmm… maybe… if he could find a way to crawl up it? What would he see from that high up? Tail swished thoughtfully as he tried to grip the wood and hoist himself up, back paws scrambling at the bottom of the pile as he tried to get up on a particularly big log.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

coded by NachoMumma

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1. Curiousity... Daager Isle 07:27 PM, 01-31-2024 04:47 PM, 05-12-2024