
I can't pretend that you don't bleed too

Gil / Raiders

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (140)

Intermediate Healer (55)

1 Year
Toy size
01-31-2024, 09:47 PM

Had this been a bad idea…?

Gavroche knew his family was going to be worried the moment they realized he was missing, but still dressed in his fighting gear and wearing his leather bag the boy had followed after the Raiders as they left Ethne. It was hard keeping up with them though! He was tiny and too often it felt like he needed to stop and rest because he was trying so hard to keep up. His journey had led him to some beach with dark sand. As he stepped upon it he frowned, following the scents and bits of blood he found that fell until it led him toward the water. In the distance he could see an island… but there was no way he’d make it out there. It wasn’t like he’d been taught to swim yet… and entering the water without that knowledge would be nothing short of dangerous.

Not to mention… his gaze flicks to the leather bag he carries. He had tried to get here fast so he could help, but he has no idea how long the Raiders have been back home. He is tired and hungry, but a sense of duty causes the boy to lift his head. Tilting it back, he calls out as loud as he can to the wolves on the island, wanting to speak with the Raid King himself. But… would the Raiders answer his call? Or would they leave him standing on the beach waiting…?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. I can't pretend that you don't bleed too Obsidian Beach 09:47 PM, 01-31-2024 02:08 PM, 03-07-2024