
be the cryptid you didn’t want to see in the woods




Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

1 Year
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
01-31-2024, 11:56 PM

Throat aching, heart aching, he stalks through the woods. Burning gaze curious and searching, hackles remaining up. It gives him the impression of being larger, casting a longer shadow. Erik would take all the help he could get in that department. Undercurrent menacing enough to match his mood, the boy cuts through the weird, misty fog with a starving curiosity.

At once, the peace of the afternoon shatters around him. Erik's ears flattened back against his head, gaze pulling down into a scowl. Something about her reminded him of Delphi, though her voice and colors were jarring in a way that his sort-of sister's weren't. He does his best not to grumble, not to roll his eyes. Though Erik's posture remained non-aggressive, the viking bastard gave an annoyed flick of his tail.

"You're very loud." Speech crackled and rumbling, the iron-rich scent of blood thick on his breath. So the wet season wet, for both Erik and his sister. Though most of the damage is less evident at first glance, it's damage all the same. Norad... his ears flicker back forward. His father had come to Tojo-kai with news of their recent raid. He'd keep that to himself, though. "Erik Archer." The greeting was stiff, and Erik's voice never did even out. Remaining gravelly and rough, the more the boy spoke, the more he smelled of blood. He could taste it, feel it as it began to color his teeth as well. Visible when he speaks, though his gaze remained trained on the woods around them.

Warning: posts from this character often involve body horror.
Erik has a Norwegian forest cat that is assumed with him at all times.

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1. be the cryptid you didn’t want to see in the woods Wraith's Woods 02:03 AM, 01-30-2024 12:10 AM, 06-10-2024