
Lucky Strike



5 Years
Extra large
09-21-2013, 08:09 PM

His father had survived. Argent had survived. His aunt had survived. Everyone was fine. Though admittedly a bit bloodied and bruised, they were all intact and alive, which was what really mattered. He had tried tending to Sendoa the day before as best he could, but of course he was no healer. The most he had done was clean up her wound with his tongue, but that wasn't doing much. Anyone could do that. After bringing her back to a safe den, the titan had left his aunt to her own devices, allowing her the rest that she needed in order to recover more quickly. But she had been on his mind all night and most of the day. He had tried to give her as much space as he could, but he just couldn't stand to be so far from her. In the short time that he had come to know his aunt he had grown quite close with her, closer than he would ever get with his father and he wanted to try and conserve their relationship as much as he could.

Unable to resist the pull to Sendoa, the titan would finally give in, abandoning his patrol to head back to the den he'd set her up in, movements cautious as he approached the mouth of the den, massive head ducking beneath the rock, icy gaze dancing across the shadows of the den, locking in on his aunt's figure, unable to tell if she was awake or asleep. Aunt Sen? he called out gently, waiting to see if she would stir.
