
Lucky Strike


09-21-2013, 08:19 PM

Admittedly the both of them had been on her mind for some time, Isardis for being injured whilst battling, and Taurig for cleverly avoiding battle and tending to her so affectionately. He had shown himself a man without shedding a drop of blood - and before this battle she had not thought such a thing possible. It had awakened something in her that she wasn't certain of, but nevertheless it had not been easy to get the boy off of her mind - him or his father. She would sit fuming in the den he'd put her in, fuming because of the red-eared woman who had put her here. Sendoa was a fighter by blood, and no one had the right to tear her so viscously that she had to be stowed away for her own safety.

Her body was stiff due to the awkward way she was required to lay for her own comfort. She rested on her uninjured right side, her left foreleg drawn up near her chest so that she didn't stretch the torn flesh near her armpit. Where Chrysanthe got off attacking such a strange area, she would never know. Though Sendoa had very much prevailed, she knew that Chrysanthe had only narrowly been beaten - even if she didn't want to admit it. Her tail curved with the contour of her back right leg, tapping restlessly every now and then when her mind wandered to what she should be doing - which was, anything but this.

His voice would split the air, resulting in a smile upon her lips. He hadn't forgotten his injured aunt. Sendoa would rally her strength and lift her head slightly, being careful to prevent any unnecessary movement of her wound. ?Taurig,? she murmured in a dark and affectionate tone, beckoning him to her so that she would not have to be alone - pining for either he or his father's company. A chuckle would ring out. ?I'll have none of that 'Aunt Sendoa' business, call me Sen, or Sendoa, or just about anything else.? She knew he was her nephew and she would never deny him in that way, but something about calling her 'Aunt' seemed awkward to the Sentinel. Her tail tapped the earth gently. ?How is it out there in the real world?? She hated being trapped in the dark dungeon of despair. It seemed wrong to win a battle and be forced to live in such a state.
