
it's an unpredictable early morning...

chimkin nuggie



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-01-2024, 10:11 AM

Was it terrible that he didn't feel sorry for the dog? To not know where home was or to not want to return to it was... sad, but that was a choice in Akito's mind. His own life was perfectly fine so he found himself wanting to return at the end of the day. But to simply not want to go back sounded odd. He can't help but have his brows knit further together. The idea of wandering around without a place to be was new to him.

"They call ones like you Loners, without a pack," Akito starts, his monochrome gaze moving from the insecure canine out to the rocky rubble surrounding them. Even though the rain continues to drizzle around them, he doesn't mind it. There's enough fur on his body to keep him warm for the time being. "Self-deprecating comments do not work on me," he adds, his brow unknitting to have one raised, a sidelong glance thrown in the dog's direction. If the guy wanted to wallow in self-pity, he could go throw that party without him.

"How long have you been here? You are in Auster and where we sit is The God's Garden," he lifts a paw to lazily move it around to gesture at the grassy ruins. "There are packs that will take you in if you need a home, protection, whatever it is you're looking for," Akito turns his chin to look back out at the scenery. Did the dog have a plan? Or was he that fresh off the shoreline?


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.

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1. it's an unpredictable early morning... The God's Garden 08:26 AM, 02-01-2024 12:00 PM, 03-07-2024