
it's an unpredictable early morning...

chimkin nuggie


02-01-2024, 10:30 AM

Nugget couldn't help but lift his ears as the other started speaking to him again. The radar dish like appendages almost touching each other as he took in the information. But they fell to the side as the other male said he didn't appreciate the self-depreciating comment. The apology slipped out faster than anything to appease him. "Sorry." Appeasement and pleasing others deep within his bones, it had become a habit to just do it anytime he displeased someone.

He shut up though as the darker male spoke more, telling him where he was and asking him how long he had been here. He had to look down and try to calculate that. He washed up on some shore north of here, and he made his way farther south, but he wasn't against going back north either. "I think like a week or so? I washed up after a bad storm on a shore past this long sandbar, kinda just been moseying around a bit to figure out what I should do and where I want to live, been uncertain cuz I'm not used to bein allowed my own choices." His eyes went up to the others again. God's Garden, Auster. Got it. He could remember those names.

Heart made of glass, isn't it lovely

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1. it's an unpredictable early morning... The God's Garden 08:26 AM, 02-01-2024 12:00 PM, 03-07-2024