
They'll be my Kryptonite



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
02-01-2024, 06:58 PM

The surprise in her Bruiser’s eyes from the fact that she answered behind him is not lost on Haydée and an amused grin tugs at edges of her lips. His eyes rove over her form, probably taking in all the mud that is still caked to her coast but his gaze snaps to her own as she invites him inside. Stooping to the grab the rabbit, Bae-Syl enters her den and she allows the fur to drop back into place, muffling their voices from any prying ears. He places the rabbit onto her bed and she obliges the man, moving to the thick pile of furs and seating herself there.

Bae-Syl’s words pull a dry chuckle from her as Haydée makes a face and says, “Gee. Thanks. I uh… slept the night before last.” The words are light, gentle, and teasing because she knows just how horrible she must look. As she slides down to her belly, a gentle relieved sigh rolls past her lips and she pulls the rabbit up onto her forelegs. However, before she can take a bite, the Bruiser speaks up and his news sends a chill racing down her spine. Expression falls into a neutral mask as her tired brain scrambles to figure out what all needs to be done.

Green eyes lock with the man as she takes in all the different bits of news and Haydée feels as if she has emotional whiplash from all the recent events. When Bae-Syl lapses into silence, the young woman allows the quiet to stretch on as she considers her options. Finally, she says, “I see. Gav probably went after the Raiders to offer his help. I will leave tomorrow and go after him and, hopefully, find Ikuchi along the way. I will need you to stay behind to guard the pack just in case something happens while I am gone.”

With a short sigh, she dips her head and says, “That is good idea for Bellamy but I would take it a step further and not allow her to fight at all right now. I will be seeking advice on how to help her heal.” Haydée then leverages herself, the forgotten rabbit tumbling from her forelegs as she raises up. Leveling a stern gaze at the man, the Leader calmly says, “As long as both you and Bellamy are in Ethne, the pact you made is null and void. Neither one of you are to act on it or I will be forced to take drastic actions. Do you understand?”

Allowing him a moment to agree or disagree, she then continues, “As for punishment, you will do no such thing. If the pack comes looking for retribution, I will be the one to answer them; alone.” The last word is stressed because, as the alpha it is her job to handle relations with other packs and she alone is responsible for the actions of her members. All the exhaustion she had felt in now gone as her mind tumbles with information, trying to form a plan of action for everything she has found out. After a moment, she asks, “Is there anything else?”

The tone she uses is firm but not unkind after all, the young Leader has just been given several live grenades and told to defuse them.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. They'll be my Kryptonite Lazuli Falls 02:18 AM, 01-17-2024 10:52 PM, 09-07-2024