
Come to do a deal


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"The Bully™"

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02-01-2024, 08:45 PM
Gilgamesh listens as patiently as he did with any Alpha. It appeared that more often than not, other Alphas were coming to his borders to introduce themselves. Was it out of curiosity? A need to snoop? Genuine friendliness? No matter the reason, he would take it at face value.

His mind rolls over to the introduction. Artisan of Norad? Had a man by the name of Beauregard not named himself something similar? Gil's brows knit together as he doesn't interrupt, polite and reserved. The proposition has him interested, but more in the way of why than actually wanting to partake in his offer. He allows his expression to relax once the capuchin is done speaking and he gives one of those awkward "oh cool!" dad-like smiles.

"Am I to assume Beauregard is your partner?" Gil asks first and foremost, the question begging to be answered. "Crafting is important, I cannot deny that. Yet, my pack are not crafters. So what would you require for payment?" He is not one to beat around the bush either. If this meant their pack would expect payment, it was what he needed to know first and foremost.

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him

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1. Come to do a deal Dove Island Archipelago 06:12 PM, 12-02-2023 01:16 PM, 03-13-2024