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Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
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02-01-2024, 09:58 PM

Avacyn’s words bring Nirvana relief. Seems her cousins were already out and exploring the world… a fact that Ava said was in their blood. The pale woman nods. “It would seem, yeah.” Her expression softens. “Someone needs to hold the family together, to give us stability, Avacyn. I wish you could join us, but you do have an important job, and we all trust you to do it well.” Now that she is in the shade her eyesight is slowly adjusting once more, the sting fading and allowing her to look at her cousin more clearly. She wishes to offer Avacyn encouragement.

“...and someday you’ll pass the mantle too, you know. Then you and your soulmate will be able to see the world for yourselves, just as aunt Manea and Alastor have the freedom to.” A bit of a silver lining for the future, perhaps? “All the same, I am appreciative, cousin. I would never say I felt stuck here… even Manea understood when I needed to go on my own. But… I don’t want to feel like I’m simply walking away either. I want a paw in both worlds, to know I can return to my family, and support them as they have supported me.” Nirvana swished her tail thoughtfully.

“It’s a complicated feeling. To be happy and yet, almost feel like something is missing.” She confessed. “Maybe my time away will lead me to my own soulmate as well.” Could that have been what was pulling her now? Her soul pulling her in the direction of the one made for her?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Nirvana has two companions - a common genet and a red-footed falcon. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Mind if we chat? Alias Island 11:22 PM, 10-15-2023 07:11 AM, 03-04-2024