
book 5: wounds




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02-01-2024, 11:19 PM
He pushes her away, and Jael whimpers. She cowers. Her eyes go wide, unsure of exactly what she's done wrong. Wild eyed and still bleeding, it takes only a moment for the girl to get over herself. Though he's pushed her away, she comes back. Head low, nervous, but slinking closer. Wide eyed. Pleading. Oh how she pleads with him-- written on her face, in her tone.

Distracted by the chill settling over the room, her movements are quick, trying to draw as little attention to herself as possible. More wood on the fire, draw the curtains, shut the door. No one needed to see him like this. No one needed to overhear this. She's handling this herself, for better or for worse.

Sobbing, shaking, Jael will not leave him to this on his own. Reaching out... but fully ready to be swatted away. Closing the distance between them, she reaches for him. Though Jael quivered, she needed to be by his side. Trying to tuck close, she is the emotional support animal she can only hope he needs. Why does her chest ache?

"Just... just let me take care of you for now," the words come as a plea. He's still bleeding. Raw, ragged. Emotionally and physically. Reaching out to touch him, tentative... fearful. How can she be afraid of him and need him so badly, all at once? Jael needs to close the wound. She needs to be allowed to calm him, though she doesn't know what that looks like yet. "I'm sorry." A whisper. Her heart hurts.
As her keepers, Gilgamesh and Modesty may join any of Jael’s threads if they deem necessary.

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1. book 5: wounds Daager Isle 09:47 AM, 01-01-2024 07:20 AM, 03-15-2024