
plant a few root real deep and let 'em grow




Master Healer (240)

Master Navigator (250)

1 Year
02-02-2024, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 02-29-2024, 07:16 AM by Bancha. Edited 1 time in total.)
Stepping over that territory line was the first thing Bancha had ever done to possibly break a rule. At first, he hadn't noticed he was even leaving Valta territory. Too busy following a butterfly that floated over the flowers of the plains that opened up before him. The trees here were different though. Sparsely places, not in a large cluster like the forest behind him. They looked different too. A different color with different leaves, a different scent. Amazing!

Stopping in his tracks, he looks around with those wide aquamarine eyes. Blinking a few times, he starts to feel that surge of anxiety build in him. His lungs constrict, chest tightens, throat closes up. "Papa," he whines quietly, taking a few steps back until his butt hits a tree. The Valta scent is still strong so he knows he couldn't have gone terribly far, but the idea is still terrifying. Attempting to maintain a calm demeanor, the pup closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths. He is okay, he can do this. Being in the plains right beside the rapids surely would be okay with his dads. Right?

This place was so cool that he really, really wanted to explore it. Taking a few steps forward, he looks around again. A sound like sand falling over a cliff catches his attention. Instinctually lowering himself to appear smaller than he already is, Bancha inches toward the sound and sight of grass being thinly parted. Once he's close enough, he sees a long scaly creature that he can't quite put a name too. His eyes go wide as he freezes and watches the snake slither away. Letting out a mixed sound of awe and fear, he holds still until another sound catches his attention.

A few feet away, down by the flowing creek, a wild hog sips the cool water that leads from the lake. Curious, Bancha perks up, floppy ears twisting lightly as his tail wags. Was this a friend? His head tilts, paws slowly moving him forward  toward the hog. When the hog lifts its head to look up, Bancha quickly ducks down into the grass to hide himself. He didn't want to get caught yet! Holding still, he watches the hog finish its drink from the creek and start to walk along the shore toward the lake. Other animals come and go, but he's most interested in the rotund creature that makes loud snuffling noises.

wc: 408/1500

as an adult, bancha will prefer they/them but until he's matured, he/him is fine too!

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1. plant a few root real deep and let 'em grow Serpent Plains 09:29 AM, 02-02-2024 12:02 PM, 03-07-2024