
I See You


09-22-2013, 01:31 AM

Everything was so new and confusing and interesting and just too much. There were so many things going on inside of him, he didn't know what to listen to and what to ignore. He wanted to talk to Meili, to try and make sense of the feelings that were bubbling inside of him. He wanted to follow the urges that his body was showing him, to see where they would lead to. He wanted to stop and just take a breather. He wanted to talk to his father or his mother, to see if they could somehow help him figure out just what exactly was going on with him, but he was hesitant to talk to them about Meili. The first time his father had seen them together he hadn't seem very pleased. Would his opinion have changed now? He wasn't sure he wanted to find out. He could always talk to his mom, but with his new baby siblings, he didn't really wanna bother his mom with his own indecision. So what was he to do?

He thought Meili was going along with it, but it seemed that he was reading her all wrong. Her ears folded against her head and he found his side suddenly empty as she pulled away from him, a low whine escaping her jaws, her teal gaze full of confusion. Immediately the fire burning through his system vanished, leaving him cold. His own ears folded against his skull and his brows furrowed with worry and his own confusion. What was going on? Mei sighed before moving back towards him, pressing her forehead into the crook of his neck, her nose tickling the fur there as she whispered that she didn't know what to do. His little woman pulled away from him to allow their gazes to lock again. I don't know either...There are just so many feelings bubbling inside of me...I don't know where to start... How was she supposed to explain to his little woman just exactly how he felt?

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