
i can promise no harm will come



Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-04-2024, 01:47 PM
Calliope watches him silently, her eyes calculating every twitch and movement the boy makes. He was so...squirmy. Like the mice she would catch and keep stuck with her paw upon their tail. Was every little wolf like this? Unsure of themselves? Even so, as she questions his submission nature, his words aren't making sense in her mind. Peace? What was that? Angry? Fighting? Of course they would fight! It was healthy to brawl every now and then. Spill a little blood for the heck of it. The anger part is lost to her as well. Why his pack was even upset in the first place didn't make sense. Their leader hadn't seemed upset at all...

She can't help but interrupt slightly a laugh. "Ask for the chickens? Where's the fun in that?" Cal retorts, another shake of her head, a slight widening of her rigid smile. But then he says something that causes her fur to bristle. Ah, yes, Jack. The traitor. The one who thought he could avoid fighting. For what? To piss off Gilgamesh? It wouldn't do. He didn't deserve to be titled a raider with that sort of behavior. Cal can't help but scoff, her paws tensing, nails gripping the ground. The boy was still blathering on though and it gave her a moment to settle.

"It makes sense for yer pack to be upset in response to our attack. But pain is pain, one should delight in feeling it," her voice lowers a notch, muzzle reaching out until she is mere inches in front of his face. "Don' ya like feelin' alive?" She's whispering now, her voice breathy with a hint of danger. "Avoidin' pain ain't nearly as much fun as watchin' the blood pour outta wound," Cal's head cants to the other side, one brow raised, anticipating his reaction. She knows it'll scare him, she doesn't care.

"Besides, yer pack ain't got no responsibility makin' sure my pack is in good shape. We got our healers fer that," she scoffs again, keeping her proximity, begging to know why he cared so much if others felt pain. Didn't anyone else enjoy inflicting it just as much as she did?


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. i can promise no harm will come Fern Gulley 05:58 AM, 02-04-2024 12:03 PM, 03-07-2024