
i can promise no harm will come


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
02-04-2024, 02:11 PM

Her question causes Gavroche to flinch, and her response stirs something else within the young winged wolf. Fun? His gaze flicks back to her. He listens, and he finds his muzzle twisting in disgust at her suggestion one should delight in feeling pain. She gets closer, and to his surprise the yearling finds anger stirring in his belly. She might have anticipated fear… but Gavroche can’t abide by the idea that someone would hurt others for fun! He gets to his paws, body shaking. But it's not from fear. He resists the urge to bear his teeth at her. Not like he would win a fight against someone of her size anyway… but her logic baffles him. Much like his own baffles her.

“Taking pleasure in causing others pain is wrong.” To his own surprise, he growls out the last word. “There are enough beasts in this world trying to hurt us without actively tearing each other apart.” His gaze narrows. “The wicked hurt others for fun, to take what isn’t theirs without asking, when they would give you what you needed if you just asked.” He steps back, anger radiating from his small form now. Her words hit a nerve, like flicking on a switch. He bristles all over, his fur standing on end like an angry cat.

“I can live just fine without choosing to hurt others. And enjoy life too!” He huffed. “...and… and maybe it's not my responsibility to care! But I do care! And… and I’ll stand up to anyone who wants to hurt others!” At some point he had started to cry again, tears pricking his eyes once more. He swallowed hard, taking in several breaths. It wasn’t like him to lose his cool like that. He let his gaze fall again for a moment before lifting it back to the colorful wolf.

“My name is Gavroche Kedieo, and I’m going to prove your way of thinking wrong.” The next time that they met, he was sure of it, she would see a different wolf. One that could be strong and kind. One that would help others no matter what. And she would see that was real strength.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. i can promise no harm will come Fern Gulley 05:58 AM, 02-04-2024 12:03 PM, 03-07-2024