
Misfits & Freaks Gather 'Round Friends

Pack & Raid Meeting [Mandatory]


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
02-22-2024, 02:31 PM

She waited patiently for her pack members to arrive. Morticia was first, and Medusa greeted her with enthusiasm. Enki and Taz showed up, followed by Gruesome & Terror, Cricket, Ghoul, Mac, Red, and several others. She greeted everyone as they arrived, of course. "Welcome! Welcome! This will be a fun one!" She said with even more enthusiasm as she waited for the stragglers. As she waited a few more minutes after Rue, Ripper, and Widow's kid settled in last, she was dismayed to find that Eraithus and Cryptis had opted not to show up, along with a couple of the pups. Though honestly, the pups weren't really required to show up anyway. She had already had a meeting with them, but she was happy to see the ones that were here nonetheless! Her eyes narrowed for a moment in thought, and realized she hadn't seen one of her kids around for the last couple of days. She was going to have to go search for that one...or maybe they just hadn't heard her? Whatever the case, she was going to go hunting for it soon enough. But for now, she had a meeting to tend to. Turning her attention to the ones that did show up, she grinned widely, cackling a little as she noticed Cricket's bulging sides.

"Welcome, Insomnia! Medusa has a fun day planned today! But first, the ones who didn't show are being uuuhh..." What was the word Umbra said? Oh yeah! "Demoted! Medusa wants those who work hard up with her, and Insomnia knows Medusa gives chances. Buuuttt Medusa has plans and things, so no more laziness!" But also, she was more than aware of who did what, and she'd be damned if her own pack members took advantage of her kindness! Widow was busy with her new brood, so she got a pass this time around, and Cricket looked like she was going to pop any day now! So Medusa, of course, would be lenient where it was due. The rest though? Too bad, so sad! She had already booted Vulcan since he didn't seem motivated at all to wanna be here, and Akuma had been released on good behavior! And soon, it looked like Cricket and Ghoul would be adding their own little hellions to the mix and she was excited as fuck to meet them!

Nodding her head as she scanned the crowd, she popped on her infamous smile, giggling with mirth. "Medusa thanks those that came! She has fun things to discuss, yes! First, Medusa wants to raaaiiidd~" Might as well spit that out first, right? "There are lotsa packs around, but Medusa has her eye on the pretty painted ones! She knows they hide in bamboo, so they must have things that Insomnia could use. Medusa wants everyone to prepare for that. Insomnia wolves who want to go, let Medusa know! She wants to go in a few days!" That was the main thing she wanted out of the way. As for everything else? Short. Simple. Quick.

"Medusa also wants to have a festival soon. Insomnia will start preparing things, and it will be held after our raid. Medusa plans on inviting Corbie and her pack, Avalon. Maaaybeee Ashen...Medusa has met with King Chimera because our pups have been playing with each other. Medusa is also thinking about inviting the Not-Pirate pack." She grinned. She had met Gil a few times, and each time was just as entertaining as the last. So he and his pack were on the list of potential guests. "Medusa also wants to invite Ardyn and his friends. But since Valhalla isn't there anymore, Medusa needs to track him down! Loners will also be welcome to come if they wanna, but Medusa wants to make it clear that anyone being mean or starting trouble will be immediately forced to leave! There will be spars and races, and the only time anyone can fight at the festival is if they are doing it for the competitions that Medusa is going to set up!" She looked at each of her members, making it clear she would not tolerate any ill will or wild shenanigans from outsiders pack or otherwise. "If anyone wants to go with Medusa for personal invites, they are welcome to come!"

Now onto better things! "Next, Medusa is promoting! Rue is being promoted to Trick Master! She has been doing excellent work! If anyone wants to learn more about trading to Rue! Next, Tazzy is promoted to Memory, Enki to Phantom, Cricket and Morticia are now Ravagers!" She pondered the present pups for a moment, and decided she would offer a couple of them promotions, too. But later. After she talked to them to see where their interests were. As for the members that had not shown up? She would speak to them privately. Give them another chance before making any decisions there.

"Medusa also wants to congratulate Ghoul and Cricket! They will be having pups soon, and there will be more to play with! She can't wait to see them!" She wagged her tail and smiled at the odd pairing. Two of her favorite wolves about to have puppies any day now!? Fucking yes! She was excited! "Lastly...Medusa is thinking about choosing an heir. but, Medusa only wants someone who really wants it." She eyed her present children, wondering what they might be thinking. "Heir is not just limited to Medusa's children. Anyone who has interest, come talk to Medusa. If there is a lot of interest, then Medusa will figure something maybe fighting for the spot, or other things. That being said, almost every position in Insomnia can be challenged for. Just let Medusa know first."


Potential raid target - TOJO KAI (other suggestions welcome)
Raiding: Those interested in participating in the raid, please post ASAP!
Promoted: Rougarou to Trick Master, Phantasm to Memory, Enki to Phantom, Cricket & Morticia to Ravager.
Promotions available: Many! Speak to Medusa later (and work on those skills!), most ranks can be challenged for!
Festival: PENDING! Sign ups and info in the works (Racing, spars, other contests pending)! Guest list so far - AVALON, ASHEN, RAIDERS HOLLOW (tentative, Medusa wants to meet them officially), LONERS, FORMER VALHALLA WOLVES
Heir Position available: Speak to Medusa if interested! If there is alot of interest, there will likely be a sparring competition to determine who gets the spot!

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

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1. Misfits & Freaks Gather 'Round Friends Dancefloor of the Gods 03:02 PM, 01-17-2024 10:06 AM, 03-31-2024