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Advanced Fighter (110)

Advanced Hunter (61)

3 Years
Dire wolf
02-06-2024, 03:49 AM
A chaotic squad of ne'er-do-wells led by their Sergeant - Wendigo Saxe, of the Cascade Saxe Saxes - the reivers are raiders who make their way by stealing food and goods, and the occasional slave, from others. They raid indiscriminately, no one pack or band safer from their attention than any other. Allies are as likely to be targeted as any other to prove their strength and worthiness to the reivers. Its customary on a raid to wear a combination mask/helmet made of the skull of a large mammal featuring designs painted on with foxfire, and to roll in ash mixed with spicy, fiery smelling plants such as cinnamon and horseradish to blacken their fur before painting more foxfire designs on their bodies. They also coat their pawpads right before stepping into enemy territory to leave glowing footprints behind for some time before it wears off their pads - they take care to remove any residual foxfire from their paws after leaving enemy territory to avoid leading them to the Camp. Since they always attack at night, this in effect makes them all nearly identical coal-colored wolves who smell like smoke and heat, with glowing pawprints and markings, wearing the frightening visages of various skulls. They attack with a vicious ferocity designed to inspire the maximum amount of fear and chaos - fast, aggressive, and with maximum shock value. They then proceed to rob their victim blind, or if they are bested, melt away into the night. Not only do they raid frequently - it is after all their purpose for existing - it is strongly encouraged to trespass in pack lands on your own as something of a right of passage to prove your bravery. During the day the masks come off, the soot and foxfire is washed away without a trace as they show their other face to the world. They will shamelessly, with a grin, lie to your face about being raiders even as they sell your own goods back to you. Everyone knows they're the raiders, they know you know, they know you know they know, but that's the game they play. The reivers of the daylight world are traders in stolen goods (who knows where those goods come from? not they!) and in information. They're crafters and they're hunters, they're guides and spies. And when the sun goes down and darkness falls, they slip out masked and cloaked to raid again in the glow of foxfire.

Because they are primarily raiders, all members are expected to have a skill in fighting, or high enough stats in other skills to make up for a lack of fight skill. Once new members of the band have proven themselves in spars with other band members as well as witnessed fights outside the band, they are issued the skull mask of their choice (which is to say, I will pay for the large accessory for the mask and the small accessory for foxfire paint if needed) and encouraged to go forth on their own and cause chaos in the packs and bands around Boreas to show their dedication, after which time they will be full members of the band and participate in raids with the rest. Band-wide training will be mandatory in a regular basis but it is also strongly encouraged that band members go out on their own or together to practice both on the battlefield or against larger, deadly predators to sharpen their skills further. They are encouraged to actively seek to kill those other predators for their furs, claws, and skulls which can be utilized in armor, weapons, and trade. Secondary skills aren't as heavily pushed, but it is still encouraged to develop them further and wolves with more skill are more highly regarded in the loose ranking system than those who haven't been working on them.

Reivers are expected to not use real names during raids, because that breaks the game. All members have callsigns for raids and are expected to use them. Breaking that rule will find you demoted to the end of the line or kicked out entirely depending on how much of an ass you are about it. Don't ruin the game for everyone else, even if you think its silly. However, any real betrayal of the band will result in maiming before expulsion- depending on the severity of the betrayal, anything from scarring to crippling a leg or even blinding could be possible. After you join the reivers, nothing is more important than loyalty to your fellow raiders. There has to be absolute trust in each other, so any betrayal is a big deal and will be swiftly punished. Once the band is established, new members will be admitted by a blind vote after their sponsor speaks to the rest of the band about why they feel the potential member should be brought in. Rocks are dropped into a basket without looking. White pebble for yes, black pebble for no. If there is a single vote of dissent, a second round of talks will be called for the sponsor or sponsors to attempt to persuade the dissenting votes. If after a second round of voting there is still dissent, the potential member will not be brought in. This way everyone has the chance to have a say in who is brought in, so no one can blame anyone else for any troubles. The Chief is in all other things the sole authority, though they may consult with the higher ranking members of the band as advisors, or may open a decision to the band's vote if the Sergeant wishes. A word of warning - if the Sergeant thinks you're deliberately blocking new members for nefarious reasons, you may be the one to find yourself out on your ear and someone else taking your place.