
Cleanse Your Hands, You Sinners



"The Bully™"

Raiders Hollow
Raid King

Master Intellectual (635)

Master Fighter (870)

An icon representing the specialty Gambler Gambler

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

7 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - SilverWordyBest BudsSocialiteCritical Attack!Legendary
LoserRaiderCritical Fail!Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarred
Snake EyesWinnerOoh La LaDouble Master1KAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teethVengeanceHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Overachiever
Critical Block!
02-06-2024, 06:16 AM
Gilgamesh continues to stand stoic before the gathering group. His gaze moving about the crowd as they filed in. His expression remains unchanged as the time passes, only his weight subtly shifting back and forth sets him apart from a statue. First there is Flurry, who he can't help but be proud of. Winning both her bouts in the raid was a feat not many could manage. Then there is Modesty. As she comes to sit beside him, he leans over to press his muzzle to her neck. While she may still be righteously pissed at him, it was better to keep up with appearances for now. Kenway comes third and he notices how the boy goes to chew on Flurry's tail. The boy had taken on a literal polar bear and at such a young age, he wondered if he would have any trauma from it.

Then there is Calico Jack. Gil only offers the boy a very pointed stare. Because though he also won both of his bouts in the raid, the first one had been undeserved. After is Sakana who busies himself tending to wounds and ensuring everyone is patched up. Gil likes that someone has taken their role seriously. He notices Siduri off to the side, with Jael perched around her. Tarnish is quick to follow and place himself beside Jael and Tarnish, as a good brother should. The girls had suffered more injuries than most and his heart ached to help them, but that would have to wait for later. Not long after is Rivin who unsurprisingly places herself right beside Jack. His gaze meets her questioning one with only a slight raise of the brow. Did Jack really need his girlfriend to stand up for him? Shouldn't she be tending to those actually wounded?

Moments later, he notices the edgy and tense fidgeting of Inferno. Another slight raise of his brow, another note tucked away for later that he needed to make time for the girl. Then there's Ares, who when called would arrive, so really he had no complaints about the older man. When Ignis arrives shortly after with two pups in tow, Wade and Sulur (right? He couldn't keep track), Gil allows his stony gaze to linger on the fiery man. Did he ever know when to leave his dick in his pants?

A sound from behind him forces him to glance over his shoulder. Wake stumbling from around the corner, appearing green around the gills, and then Calliope bashing the door open with enough force to almost hit him in the ass. His brow furrows, a growl rumbling in his chest at the almost yearlings while they find somewhere to sit. Looking back at the gathering wolves, he notices Diablo enter and his eyes narrow once more. What had that one been up to? Before he can truly question the whereabouts of Diablo, he notices Phoenix and Sorra make their way. The fact that he even remembered their names was surprising. Navis is almost last of his most recent litter and he leans down to touch his nose upon her forehead. Kaija slides in next and Gil nods his head in her direction, out of respect and pride. The girl had done really well.

Almost last, he hears Scald slide almost silently up behind him. Turning his chin slightly to listen, his eyes widen at the news. Deluge and Rexx had returned? His eyes move to Modesty. What was she planning? Gil doesn't say anything, but instead turns to check their head count. All except... two Ignis pups (surely there was answer for that) and then one of his own, Nimbus. Once more, a narrowed gaze searches but finally lands on his wolverine, Urtur. "Please ensure Nimbus has not gotten himself stuck in his eel pit, again," the rumble in his tone is not to be argued. Once Urtur is making his way toward the back of the building where the basement access was, Gil turned his attention to the pack.

TLDR: Gil is giving everyone a look, start reading here for actual important pack business.

"First and foremost, thank you all for showing up. Our raid on Ethne was successful. We were able to secure some chickens to keep in a location out back," he pauses, eyes lingering on Jael for a brief moment since she would be the one tending to said chickens. "If anyone is interested in learning about how to care for livestock, please see Jael," his attention turns back to the main crowd then, wondering what he should touch on first.

"Congratulations are in order for Flurry and Kaija. They were able to win both of their fights and have earned themselves a promotion - except Flurry because I do not plan on stepping down," Gil gives Flurry a cheeky smile, but it soon becomes more fatherly as his eyes land upon Kaija. "Come see me whenever you have an idea," he takes a breath and moves on. "I would congratulate Calico Jack, but it appears that he thought not actually fighting had been a good idea. It is a rule that if you attend a raid, you must fight. If you are a skilled fighter, you must attend raids. If you do not wish to fight, but have skills elsewhere, please find me and we will sort you accordingly," Gil pauses, eyes pointed directly at Jack, "Or get the fuck out," the words seethe as his eyes then move over the rest of the crowd.

"We are Raider's Hollow. We will raid. Whether that raid is on friendly terms or not, we do not go in acting as if we are pacifists. If you want to be a Pacifist, I am sure Corbie of Avalon will gladly take you into her ranks," his words are not meant as an insult. No, it is truth. He had heard of Heidinn's raid upon Avalon and how Corbie attempted to talk them down from it. "That leads me to my next note. While we do raid at any chance we get, when I say to match their energy that does not mean head straight in to maiming them," the growl in his throat and pointed glare moves to Siduri, though he's unsure if she can even hear him with the current state she is in. It would be punishment enough for now.

"Overall, it was a successful raid. I am proud and looking forward to out next. Flurry will be leading it so when she calls, I expect those who fight to show up," there is no argument in his tone as he continues. "If I continue to see weakness through our ranks, I will start throwing those who do not align with our ideals into the ocean. I have never been unreasonable. If anyone dislikes our ideals, dislikes our ways, they are free to leave. But we are also not free loaders. Starting now, everyone is required to see me, Modesty, or Flurry at least once a season to ensure we are training to be better fighters or honing our other preferred skills. If by next time we meet, us three have not seen hide or tail of anyone, they will be removed both from the pack and the isle. Forcibly if I must," he lets out a sigh then, more out of relief than anything to have gotten it all done and over with so he then could move on to the last subject.

"Lastly, I am stepping down to Secondary. I will be in charge of raids, fights, and all fight related training. Modesty, as everyone knows is my wife, will be stepping up to be Primary. She will take care of all political dealings and anything situated around not fighting. I expect everyone to listen to her and treat her with as much respect as you do me. What she says also goes," another pointed look scanning around the group before landing on Modesty herself. "I will be opening the floor to anyone who wishes to speak, but please give Modesty a moment first if she wishes," at that Gil's body visibly relaxes before he settles back into a more comfortable position.

(please keep an eye out for any tags in case Nacho does a post directed at anyone <3)

Next raid: 2/17 led by Flurry - Calico Jack is benched for this raid and not allowed to attend
Promotion available: Kaija
New pack member requirement: 1 thread with Gil, Mod, or Flurry that is skill related (if not double master) or just to chat/help clean up the isle per IC season
- These can also be group threads, they do not need to be 1 on 1 if members want to do lessons or whatever
Rank changes: Modesty promoted to Primary Alpha, Gil moving over to Secondary Alpha
Members removed: Kebak (Both Sparrow & Nimbus have not attended this meeting due to other circumstances discussed with myself)

gilgamesh is aggressive, don't trust him

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1. Cleanse Your Hands, You Sinners Daager Isle 12:21 PM, 01-29-2024 12:07 PM, 03-07-2024