




Master Intellectual (240)

Advanced Fighter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - Polysexual
02-07-2024, 12:31 AM

Setekh's muscles rippled beneath his snow-white fur as he grappled with the snarling hyena. The scent of blood and sweat filled the air, mingling with the wild cacophony of their primal struggle, and the ivory God’s own laughter between every snap and bite. With each twist and turn, Setekh's movements were a testament to his predatory prowess, his every sinew honed for this moment of violent confrontation. He was trained well, and while he enjoyed a bit of masochism – there was a reason his pelt held no imperfections thus far.

The lead hyena, undeterred by Setekh's ferocity, fought back with equal savagery. Its jaws snapped dangerously close to Setekh's throat, its powerful limbs slashing and clawing at his flank. But Setekh was equally undaunted, his resolve unyielding as he continued his onslaught.

In a swift and calculated maneuver, Setekh seized the hyena's muzzle in his powerful jaws, his teeth sinking deep into the creature's flesh. With a fierce growl, he twisted his body, leveraging his weight to bring the hyena crashing down beneath him. The force of the impact drove the air from the hyena's lungs, its desperate cries muffled beneath Setekh's assault. Locked in a deadly embrace, Setekh and the hyena thrashed and rolled upon the blood-soaked earth, each refusing to yield to the other. Their struggle was a chorus of violence from each and desperation in particular from the hyena.

But as the moments stretched into eternity, it became clear that Setekh held the upper hand. With a final surge of strength, he swapped his grip, making purchase upon the jugular and tightening his grip, his jaws clamping down with lethal force. With a guttural snarl, he delivered the decisive blow, ending the hyena's life with a swift and merciless bite.

As the life drained from the vanquished hyena, Setekh stood victorious amidst the carnage, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes were wild, body shuddering in the aftermath of the kill. With a giggle, he cast his gaze skyward, his piercing eyes gleaming with feral intensity, and utmost pleasure. He was soaked in blood, and it felt amazing. As he slowly focused on the present, his molten gaze surveyed the blood-soaked battlefield before him. Attempting to find his handsome stranger, he would be pleased to see the success of the other male. As expected.

But a low growl sounded from behind him. Whirling around, he found himself face to face with another hyena, its eyes gleaming with feral hunger. Setekh braced himself for another round of battle, his senses heightened and his instincts razor-sharp. With a snarl of defiance, the third hyena launched itself at Setekh, its jaws snapping with unrestrained aggression. Setekh met the attack head-on, his teeth flashing as he fought to maintain his advantage. He slammed his chest into the hyena’s, each rising onto their hinds as they grappled. But Setekh was done with the games. He wanted to properly greet his companion, after all. So he struck out with a paw, thwacking it against the hyena’s muzzle, causing it to wince and shut its eyes from only a moment, and that was all it took for Setekh to gain control.

In an instant he lunged to the throat, just as he had done with the first. His jaws found the hyena’s throat with a guttural growl, a flailing of limbs to be seen as they tumbled onto the ground. He wasted no time in ripping out the creature's throat. A smile plastered on his face as he watched blood squirt out with every breath and cough from his opponent. He would swallow the chunk of meat in his maw, the coloration of his eyes practically swirling within their sockets as he gazed down at the carnage of his own creation. “Oh love, poor love. Look at all your blood. Ahhh~ It’s like a flood.” Setekh grinned, forgetting all around him, as he lowered himself unto his fallen quarry, his body trapping the beast as it confusingly writhed below him – not understanding what was happening. Setekh’s paws moved to sooth the area around the wound, sensually, disturbingly, massaging more and more blood out from the mortal injury. His body, feminine yet masculine at the same time, twitched giddily above the hyena as he watched the light fade from its eyes.

"He Speaks" | 'He Thinks' | The Madness

Rated R for mature themes, gore, violence, and abuse.

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