
do i need glasses? i think i just saw an angel




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

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3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-07-2024, 12:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2024, 09:02 AM by Bunni. Edited 1 time in total.)
Zoey practically beamed at the boy as he mentioned how many lines he had waiting for the perfect someone. Yeah, that feeling in her stomach was definitely butterflies, no doubt about it. "Well, my name's Zoey, by the way. What can I call you besides 'Mr. Saved-For-The-Perfect-Someone?" It was her best attempt at a flirt back, but perhaps it would fall flat; she wasn't the type to work any kind of charm on anybody, really. Or at least, that's how she perceived her own interactions. She was no introvert, truly, but her social skills were less than polished. Oh well. Perhaps this handsome man would see it differently.

Her tail wagged behind her more eagerly as he mentioned he was searching for his sister, and she added, "Oh, cool! Do you know where she is?" It seemed he had a plan and wasn't too concerned, which led her to believe he knew where his sibling could be -- all the better for him then, not having to search all of Boreas. Now, speaking of relics, he'd inquired as to what exactly they were. Ah, this was her expertise! Grinning from ear to ear, Zoey explained with such excitement that bled into her chirpy tone. "Relics are objects left behind by civilizations that once existed. For example, this mine wasn't naturally formed - it was built by the last species that once resided here." She spanned one paw over the roof of the room they were both in to emphasize. "I like to study these objects, and see how they may be of use to us, as well." It was her best effort to not get too sucked into an explanation the boy likely wouldn't follow, and she knew how far her infodumps could go, sometimes.

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1. do i need glasses? i think i just saw an angel Northern Mines 09:58 AM, 01-30-2024 10:05 AM, 03-31-2024