
You're the heathen, I'm the fool

Seph, Aresenn



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-07-2024, 01:07 PM

The anger Rivin felt continued to burn in her belly. It appeared the leaders of the Raiders were allowed to have their emotions and publicly shame those who have bled for their cause, but heaven forbid she chooses to walk away and cool down before things escalate. What the raiders had become was a joke… they were no longer a pack worthy of respect. If you couldn't acknowledge the fact your members had emotions too, then as far as she was concerned you shouldn't be in a position of power. The pack was on a timer as far as Rivin was concerned. She wasn't ready to tear it away from the bitch yet, no, she still lacked sufficient training for that… but she would see the Raiders fall. And if someone did it before her? Sounded like a good beast to follow to her.

Darkness swam at the corners of her vision, her skin feeling as though it was crawling. Faintly she could hear Caedes laughing within, mocking her. Ears fell back against her skull, lips peeling back to reveal her teeth. Oh no, this wasn't over. To Rivin the Raiders had betrayed everything she and Jack had ever done on their behalf… and traitors deserve to suffer.

A snarl ripped from her lips as the a tiered woman thrust them suddenly into the earth before her and ripped up dirt, grass, and flowers alike. “I should have just fucking fought them both then and there. Not like they gave a fuck about anyone but themselves.” The anger danced, a fire that was becoming all consuming. Was there even anyone out there who deserved her respect anymore besides Jack?

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. You're the heathen, I'm the fool Serpent Plains 01:07 PM, 02-07-2024 08:57 AM, 05-08-2024