
reap what you sow

Yarra x Cifa


The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
02-07-2024, 02:41 PM

He smelled it. That familiar taint of leaking crimson. His attention was drawn briefly from the bear to a wounded Yarra. Features morphed into one of satisfaction. Knowing fully well what would come next the moment her body climbed atop the thrashing bear. Cifarelli could not do anything but chuckle against the flesh in his jaws. Almost forgetting that they were fighting and not having fun. But, who's to say that they weren't? Unlatching himself from the grizzlies flank. Paws shifted immediately to avoid the swipe of a large paw. Claws extended and looked to slice into either of their flesh with ease. Having already gotten his younger sister, he wished not to be another victim. Maneuvering to the back of the beast. The Saxe's black plague jumped back into action. Teeth now sunk deep. Biting the bear's ass with a sharp tug. He was not letting up. With Sephiran in the front and Yarra on top. There were several options to take on. He could have gone for the underbelly. But what fun would have been had if he'd done that?

Dumb move.

The air from his lungs was nearly knocked from his chest the moment the bear kicked him in the general area. Instead of letting go, he bit down harder in a deep inhale of pain. The feeling alone coursed through him. Filling Cifarelli with a newfound urge to release his grip and shift it t'wards the genital area hidden beneath the shagginess of fur. He wanted to dance? Then they would tango.


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1. reap what you sow The Polar Sound 01:01 PM, 12-11-2023 02:14 PM, 06-17-2024