
You're the heathen, I'm the fool

Seph, Aresenn



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
02-07-2024, 05:01 PM

In her anger, Rivin was blind to everything else before her… even the scents of those that lived here in these plains. But perhaps it was fitting, fate that she might find her way here. She would have sought them anyway… her brother and the purple man he had sworn fealty to. His voice catches her, pulls her attention in. His display is dominant, fangs bared. The red streak woman’s nostrils flared - but Sephiran was not the target of her ire. She drew upwards, unafraid, but posture displaying more of a submissive stature. Not that she would cower before any wolf, but she allowed her fur to lay flat as she sought to recollect herself.

“I should think to target your comrades would be a suicide mission, given the faith my brother puts in you.” The words are spoken with honesty. Aresenn wanted direction, and she had gotten a glimpse of how Sephiran carried himself while they had still been pirates. A low growl of frustration bubbles in her throat, the storm within her reflecting in the angry, narrowed form of her gaze. “I speak of traitors of trust and hypocrites, the so-called pack both Aresenn and I have bled for. A pack my love has bled for, only to have them spit back in his face for loyalty.” Even now she was still so angry she continued to breathe heavily, form shaking ever so slightly.

“Irony I would find you, Sephiran. My oath to Aresenn was to seek you out should things go south.” A whisper, a coo within her mind… power. Rivin kept her green gaze on him, aware that he could strike. “My brother trusts and respects you - I have no doubt he has good reason.” She was attempting to choose her words carefully. “I’m seeking to unlock my true potential, Sephiran, and my loyalty and life to the man who succeeds… so long as I see those ‘leaders’ uprooted.” Whether by her fangs or that of another was no consequence. Her green gaze met his, unwavering.

“Are you interested?” In her mind there was no wolf better suited to that task. Aresenn saw his path through this man… perhaps her own would follow him as well.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. You're the heathen, I'm the fool Serpent Plains 01:07 PM, 02-07-2024 08:57 AM, 05-08-2024