
kings of heavy metal



Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-07-2024, 07:54 PM
The mainland felt better. Better than being stuck on that Abraxas forsaken isle. Water, water everywhere. Everywhere that she looked. All she had seen since birth had been water. Having had enough of it, Calliope was thankful to not go back for a long while. Save for that she wanted to visit her siblings at some point, she was content for now to wander. Aimlessly, homelessly, without a care to be anywhere but there.

Moving east, gliding, eyes hazy, unsure where she were even going. No true direction, just walking. Walking until she grew tired. Her muscles sore, her mind tired. Eyes flutter, lids kissing her cheeks as she lets out a mouth widening yawn. Her tongue curls forward, gracing her tongue as she pauses and stretches her nearly full grown body. Once she stands, her pale gaze glances around.

Rising before her, pools of water fall, cresting over ledges into other pools, steam rises, tendrils grasping for the cloudy sky above. Her head cants. A sudden rush of warmth washes over her face, enticing her forth. Mm, a nice bath did sound nice. As much as she says she doesn't care about her appearance, she knows she does deep down. Moving gracefully, Calliope climbs into the first pool she sees. Sliding down until her chin rests upon the edge, her entire body hidden, she closes her eyes and releases a sigh.

The tepid water is pleasant on her muscles. Allowing the sinew and bone to relax and release tension. She is enjoying the spa treatment until a 'blech' sort of noise breaks her serenity. Narrowed glare searches through the steam to find the culprit. There. A familiar obsidian form with budding antlers. Her face scrunches as she raises her lips in a snarl. "Boy, the fuck are you doing disturbing my peace?" Calliope hisses, her ears pinning as she keeps her place hidden in the depths of the spring.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. kings of heavy metal The Hot Springs 10:40 AM, 02-07-2024 10:56 AM, 04-10-2024