
Discussion about Judging

Jupiter I


7 Years
03-10-2013, 02:43 PM
I'll be null on the full dodge aspect. I like it, but there are times when it pains me to have to take damage from an attack that is not well thought-out. Or when they attack far too many times in a single post. I understand that they're deducted for it in the end, but the wolf still has to take damage in the end. Damage that has to unfairly be played out in IC timewhen it shouldn't have really happened much in the first place. -shrug- Just a thought, really.

Anyway, I have to diasagree with Eve. It may not sound like it, but fouror five rounds is gruesome. If any of Jupiter's fights had been ten or fifteen rounds, I would have screamed. Given up. Probably cry. Full dodge should be in any fight.

Also, would that chat be for every round? It seems to large to be for a single round.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.