
Oh deer



The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
02-08-2024, 10:40 PM

Well, Clove was certainly an inexperienced hunter- it was evident by the surprise that washed over her face, when another wolf suddenly appeared behind her. She hadn’t even heard him walk up! Nearly jumping out of her skin, she whirls around to face the stranger- only, it wasn’t a stranger. “Oh- Erik!” She recognized him from their visit to Heiðinn, and he’d also showed up to the harvest ball. Now that she thought of it, he spent a lot of time with Ember that night… and the day they visited Heiðinn, too! She made a mental note to ask her sister about it later. Maybe she could tell Ember about Akito and Rogue.

She’d forgotten about her hunt for a moment- but when Erik started inspecting the deer droppings, her mind flipped back to the task at paw. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder why he was here. Didn’t he live in those mountains? “How are you? What are you-“  Suddenly, Erik was taking off down a path, leaving her behind. “Hey, wait up!” She said, loping after him. Eyes looking across the terrain and down the path, which was adorned in the hoofed tracks of a deer herd.

Well, it looked like her solo hunting trip had turned into a duo- which was fine for Clove, because she was a socialite at heart. Still, it felt a little weird running around with a boy she hardly knew- but at least he was focused on the task and not her. Coming around a bend, she took note of the woodland trees that grew in clusters off in the distance. The perfect place for deer to lay in some shade. And the tracks seemed to be heading that way too.


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1. Oh deer The God's Garden 10:16 PM, 02-08-2024 06:15 AM, 02-09-2024