
I Have No Mouth but I Need to Scream



09-22-2013, 03:50 PM

She sat looking at herself in the odd material that he den was made of. The shiney, grey, odd material reflected her image. She stared into her own yellow orbs as she admired the bloody skull that she wore as a mask. The woman's body was scattered across her den. Bones were put into their assorted piles as the fur laid under her black wool pallet she used as a bed. The eyes were upon a ledge that was obviously made by the humans. She set them down for safe keeping. They seemed to be freezing to her liking. Though, she kept the skull of the woman she killed. She wore it like the savage she was. It was a mask and protected at the same time. She was content with herself. She had a mate, a beautiful mate. One that accepted her. She had a home, and things going for herself. But, soon she had to do something big. Since she met Creedance, Alena, Ozzy, and some other darker creatures, she knew they were out there. Now, if only she could really meet them all and maybe gather them into a group. Canttina did not pay attention to the packs, she knew there was Amenti and Glaciem and some other kingdoms south, but she wished to take one of. She would have to size them up and gather woman for this monarchy. But, whatever Canttina set her mind to, usually happened or ended up deathly.
