


09-23-2013, 01:53 AM

It felt forigen and almost alien to have a full belly, to have the organ not twisting and convulsing within her core as it snarled for food felt strange. It wasn't bad just... She couldn't remember the last time she had had more then a mouse to fill her up. Every once and a while she or Aeron would get lucky and kill and especially stupid grouse or ptarmigan and once or twice a baby bunny that got lost but generally their hunts were in vain and alone she had even less luck. Her need for silence often left her skirting around the scents of other wolves as well, craving socoization and companionship but only from her brother. This was probably only her third or fourth time meeting a wolf outside of her family. But even though she knew somehow that he meant her no harm she still found herself looking over her shoulder and mentally measuring the distance between them every so often when he nose would come up from the ground.

His scent was here but it was faint and after a while she found herself looping back around towards where she had been eariler that day. How long they walked she didn't know but it was actually Aeron who found them in the end. His approch didnt go unnoticed and she turned around as he loped towards them. No smile greeted him, only a faint tail wave to show her recognition as eyes followed his form as it grew. He looked thin, no different from her though she noted faintly that he had grown slightly in height since last they had met. His voice was forigen sounding to her ears, harsher almost as though it hadn't been put to use in quite some time. His accent was also fading more, without Jacques of their mother there was really no one to speak their native tongue to... Even in her mind she was beginning to have to really think to remember the words sometimes.

The words he spoke were English, a simple question as he came to stand before them. The young girls gaze was fixated on him now, the slightest wave to her tail though her expression remained relativly blank. Aeron stopped a short distance from her and she closed that distance, pressing her face into his shoulder just as she did now almost every time they met. She inhaled deeply, feeling the vibrations of his words as well as hearing them as he introduced himself and her to Taurig. Baby blue eyes would turn back towards the towering male, gaze soft as she looked through her brothers dense coat. What would happen now would be up to her brother, though she had been wandering off from him more and more lately she didn't have any intention of leaving him and what he decided to do she would follow without a second thought.
