
You're as young as you feel

Kane <3



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

02-10-2024, 04:16 PM

Kane couldn't resist raising his brows in suggestive innuendo with a husky chuckle when Tamsyn played right along with him, claiming she was waiting for "the hottest date". "Well, I don't know about the hottest in my age, but I can see about making it a gentle simmer," he continued to tease her while pressing little affections into her neck and cheeks. These little moments of peace, love, and privacy between the two senior wolves was everything Kane had aspired towards when he took Tamsyn as his mate. There had been a time when he'd thought his life had ended, where all he was living for was revenge for the ghosts of his past. It was these moments with his beloved blackbird that made him grateful he had been so, so wrong. Tamsyn explained that all of this was for him, a celebration for his birthday for them to enjoy together. Kane blinked in surprise, a delighted smile slowly making itself at home on his muzzle. The sweet gesture was not lost on him, and the giant brute's bushy tail began to wag and beat against the furs displaying just how much this meant to him.

"All these years and you still find a way to one-up yourself when it comes to spoiling me, my love," Kane replied with a happy rumble, squeezing Tam closer in his forearms as he embraced her. "Thank you, Tam. This is very sweet of you." Leaning in to plant an affectionate kiss and lick to his mate's cheek, Kane settled back into the furs while Tamsyn began to gather up the food she had prepared for their meal. The food smelled delicious and he was starving! As Tamsyn began to serve up their food, his beautiful mate made a subtle hint at a special surprise she had for him after their dinner, catching the brute's interest as he began to tear into a venison skewer. "Oh? Well, now you've got me all sorts of curious," he remarked in his deep rumbling tones, nuzzling into the back of Tam's scruff again with a playful wag of his tail. Whatever she had in store for him could only be good things and he couldn't wait to see what his sweet lover had for him.

As the pair ate, the sun continued its gradual descent, the sunset burning bright in the sky as it slowly ebbed and faded into twilight hues. Stars became more visible, the moon rising toward its zenith in the heavens. It was due to be a gorgeous night, and a perfect one for stargazing on top of that. "I am glad we are back in the Hallows," said Kane in passive conversation, a gentle smile on his lips as he looked down at his smaller mate. "I enjoyed our days traveling together, but there is a simple pleasure in being somewhere so serene always. Plus this is your home. I'm glad we could bring you back to it." As a nomad, Kane's home had always been anywhere under the sky. For Tamsyn, this was her home. In their twilight years, however long they were to last, he was glad they could spend them here with her family, surrounded by peace and love.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.

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1. You're as young as you feel The Starlit Plains 06:45 PM, 07-21-2023 09:40 PM, 09-02-2024