
Ghatti Band [Cat Band][Non-Wolf Band]



Master Hunter (249)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
02-10-2024, 01:39 PM

Ghatti Band

Birna has been watching the way of wolves and the advantages of hunting in a pack. Cats already are supreme hunters on their own, but how skilled could they be together? Lions have prides but Birna yearns for something a little less structured and more open in membership. This has led her to start the Ghatti Band.

The Ghatti Band is a band open to all non-wolf characters, though primarily felines and other predators. The Ghatti focus on hunting and trapping as well as trading the goods of their efforts whether this be preserved meats, furs, leather and bone goods or even live companions. Think along the lines of mountain men and fur traders.

While raiding will not be as large a focus with this band it is not out of the question. Birna will be keen on the occasional raid, especially if she can get a good deal going for it. After all, there are plenty of wolf packs that might be interested in practice fending off other predators.

Non-prey species may be allowed to join the Ghatti, as long as they are able to handle seeing others of their species eaten and dismantled. They also must possess what Birna refers to as the "The Gift". This is the gift of spirit, or thought and speech, that in her culture denotes an animal as different from true prey. To eat a beast that possess' the Gift, is said to invite a curse that will devour one's mind.

This Band is open to evolve and change. I'm eager to get it started and see how it develops! As I gather more thoughts on Birna's religion as well you can expect some of those practices to make it into the band's lore.