
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-12-2024, 05:26 AM (This post was last modified: 02-12-2024, 10:20 AM by Requiem. Edited 1 time in total.)
T o say that Requiem was displeased with the way life was going would be a gross understatement. This was the second time now that Lurid had up and abandoned him out of nowhere—the third if you counted her initial running off with Alastor only to disappear for years afterward. But this time, things were worse... His mate had been pregnant with their children—with his children—and she had just up and vanished once again. No signs of blood, no traces of a struggle to make him think something had happened to her. Just gone. For a while after, Requiem had lingered around the den he'd built for her in the Fern Gulley, but when she didn't return after half a season, he reasoned she must have abandoned him and gotten herself killed. It wouldn't have been the first time Lurid's poor judgment had gotten her into predicaments before, only this time she hadn't had him to save her ass.

S o here he was, back to square one once a-fucking-gain like he had been when she'd let Mirovis fall carelessly to the wayside. The titan of a wolf prowled through the evening prairie, his crimson coat which would have been a standout against the greens and browns of the territory now more masked in the fading light of twilight. The summer season was warm and agreeable for many animals, himself included, and most importantly all the prey animals that made this place home. His stomach growled as he followed the trail of a deer, stalking after it and practically salivating. Down wind and low to the ground, the dire brute crept through the underbrush towards the small herd of deer, using the approaching night to blend his darker coat in with the growing shadows. Piercing argent eyes followed the ungulates' movements as they grazed and prepared to bed down for the night. For one of them, this would be their last night.

R equiem slunk closer to the herd, moving from brush to rock as he went. He was no expert hunter, but he knew enough to keep himself alive. Once he was within striking range, the wolf lunged after the closest deer, keeping quiet until he was airborne and launching at his prey. He grappled with the deer with a snarl, sharp fangs immediately going for the jugular. The panicked deer bleated in terror and began to buck and flail, trying to kick the wolf off of it. Blood pooled on Requiem's tongue as his teeth found purchase, tearing into flesh. Ahhh, what a relieving sensation! Req refused to let go, biting into the deer's neck again and again, tearing away more flesh as he relished in the bloodlust, releasing all of his pent up frustrations and anger at his circumstances out on the prey animal.

T he deer did manage to buck him off with a kick to the wolf's side, but not before taking a substantial amount of damage. Requiem fell back to the ground with a grunt, watching with furious eyes and a sadistic smile as the bleeding animal tried to flee. "You won't get very far, my friend," the crimson brute purred after the deer, rolling to his paws and taking a moment to let the dull ache in his side fade before he would follow the trail of blood to his inevitable meal. And when he did find it... ohhh, he was going to enjoy the kill!

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.