
If I Said I Was Fine, I'd Be A-Lion



"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
02-12-2024, 09:55 PM
The felines that have taken up residence in the cathedral have been posing quite a problem to Ethne. Today, Haydée has pulled her brother Alex along with her to hunt a lion that has been increasingly encroaching onto pack lands. Leading the way into the deep, twisting labyrinth of the woods, the young Leader keeps her ears perked and nose working to find the errant predator’s scent, the gnarled branches and swirling mist attempting to obscure the inhabits that live here.

It isn’t difficult to track the lion, the musk and markings that it leaves behind aiding the wolves in their effort. They move silently through the land, their intent written into every line of their frame as they go. This predator would not leave the woods alive because its continued pressure and refusal to uphold pack markers has spelled its death out in blood. The tan form finally appears, its lithe feline body slipping around a thick root without a break in its stride.

Darting a glance to Alexander, Hay allows their eyes to meet before dipping her head in acknowledgement. They had already talked through what to do, her smaller form perfect for distracting the beast while Alex will be forced to do all the real damage. Sucking in a deep breath, she holds it for the count of four as she slowly coils her muscles, form lowering to the ground as she readies to attack.

Her lungs are beginning to burn as she slowly releases the breath and with it, all the coiled energy in her body. Rocketing forward, Hay races up to and around the huge feline, placing herself in front of it and blocking its forward route. Growling loudly, the predator only spares her a glance and the grumbled, annoyed sound as it lifts a fat paw, fully intent on smacking her out of the way.

Haydée is as fluid as water, muscles moving with easy as she dodges the clawed appendage and darts in toward the feline, leaping up to deliver a sharp bite to its cheek. It grunts, trying and failing to hit her as the small wolf lands and swiftly races away. The lion issues a throaty growl that fills the air, signaling danger for all those that dare attack it.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. If I Said I Was Fine, I'd Be A-Lion Wraith's Woods 09:55 PM, 02-12-2024 12:03 AM, 06-30-2024