
If I Said I Was Fine, I'd Be A-Lion




Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
02-12-2024, 10:23 PM

Their plan in motion, Alexander readily agrees to follow his sister into the supposedly cursed woods. Mist and fog swirled around their paws, slightly obscuring the village of the darker wolf… just as his flowing bangs over his right eye tended to do. But Alexander had lived with the partial vision for so long he had adjusted himself to working with it. As far as he was concerned, a predator can be prey the same as the herbivores. The method of attack, for securing the kill, was pretty much the same in the end. As a hunter and fighter of Ethne, he would ensure his sister was kept safe and the lion they were tracking dead by the end of their adventure.

The stink of the feline’s musk invaded his nose as Alexander kept behind Hay. It was getting strong now… and the shift of things ahead, the glance of tan fur, Alex moved away as his sister got into position. She was the distraction… and he and his badger, Song, were the damage. The smaller critter sought to come between the two wolves at an angle that would hopefully place her below the feline in a place where she could get to its legs.

A grunt giving, it swings at Haydée as Alex gets into position. Fur along his spine stands on end as he parts his fangs. His sibling rushes in, and the maned male charges at the lion’s rear. He lunges, sabers and fangs crunching down ruthlessly upon a rear limb. The cat yowls, the swings toward Hay missing, and it tries to spin as the wolf side steps and dancing along with it, jaws locked down as he seeks to continue to apply pressure to not only severe tenders, but damage bone. This beast wasn’t getting away.

"Speech," 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. If I Said I Was Fine, I'd Be A-Lion Wraith's Woods 09:55 PM, 02-12-2024 12:03 AM, 06-30-2024