
YOWEE! I hate snakes! They'll About Kill Ya For Goodness sakes!

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
02-12-2024, 10:33 PM

Home again with the thanks of his aunt, and feeling guilty for the fight she got in (even if it wasn’t really his fault…) the boy trotted along the edge of the territory, ears sloped downward as he thought about what had happened that day. The words of that rainbow girl bothered him still… Someone who hurt to feel alive… wasn’t there more to being alive than pain? A sigh passed his lips, green gaze shifting beyond the border… when he caught movement. Instinctively the yearling bristled. That thing was huge! Some of his relatives dwarfed him, but that thing was so big he was sure it would even give them trouble! And yet, watching it slither toward the edge of the territory, Gavroche felt the urge to follow it. He wanted to make sure it left Ethne for good…

…and then he heard the shout of another wolf.

Caution was tossed to the wind as Gavroche lunged into action. He didn’t have his blade, but the winged lad wasn’t going to let that stop him as he raced over the border at the tail end of the thing. He catches sight of the pale furred yearling, much bigger than he was, but that didn’t matter against something this big! With no fear Gavroche leaped on the snake somewhere in the middle of its length and sank his teeth into flesh. His digests splayed, seeking to hold onto the thing as it struck toward the girl. Its body writhed below him, curling inward as it detected another living creature… Gav wasn’t paying attention to that though as he sought to rip chunks from the snake and toss them away so he could get to more flesh.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. YOWEE! I hate snakes! They'll About Kill Ya For Goodness sakes! Cattail Creek 09:13 PM, 02-12-2024 07:50 PM, 03-18-2024