
The most beautiful bitter fruit

for Valtiel



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years
02-12-2024, 11:09 PM

Words were shared and the gold marked fae listened with interest. Once they reached the water, Val lowered her muzzle to the stream, lapping at the icy water and enjoying the cool sensation as it slid down into her belly. Carpathians were mountainous wolves and both the terrain and the temperature of the Maw suited her.

Kiela continued, speaking of the souls of her children being absorbed back into the world to become this and that. It was a lovely view of things and it was similar to what Valtiel believed as well. Having slaked her thirst, Val lifted her head, then shifted to both face her companion and seat herself. "Energy is what I was brought up believing. Each piece of the world, be it a rock, caribou, wolf, tree, blade of grass... energy is held within it. When that vessel ceases to be, that energy moves to inhabit something else." Val tilted her head first one way, then the other, weighing her thoughts. "I suppose one might consider energy and souls to be one and the same."

After considering a moment longer, the woman brought her gold and orange eyes to the earthen fae and offered a small smile and nod. "Thank you for sharing that, Kiela." Val's long, dark tail thumped once in a wag. "I've no doubt that their energy has already been taken into the world around us. It's the physical loss that's difficult. They were young but their short lives were fraught with hardship. That was why I was bringing them here." Val sighed and shook her head. She wouldn't forget her children, but she wouldn't allow herself to wallow in pity either.


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1. The most beautiful bitter fruit Fenrir's Maw 07:54 AM, 11-21-2023 04:48 PM, 05-07-2024