
Mine! Mine! Mine! [Calliope]


Raiders Hollow
The Powder Monkey

Master Fighter (393)

Master Intellectual (290)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

1 Year
Dire wolf
02-13-2024, 04:00 AM
Her own hunger drove her toward the prairie. Knowing that something would be around, dead or alive, for her to snack on, Cal began to hunt. Not that hunting was her favorite, but utilizing her size and strength to her advantage was fun. Ripping open innocent animals was fun. Watching their blood splatter the ground and the light leave their eyes. It was glorious and she could already feel the thrill and adrenaline surge through her.

With her head lowered, hackles puffed just enough, and shoulders hunched, Calliope prowled. Further into the prairie until the scent of blood tinged her nose. Instantly she's intrigued. Pale blues searched the surrounding area until a large bison with flies buzzing around it caught her attention. Licking at her lips, Cal turns to start heading that way. After a few steps, she notices the coyotes beginning to descend on the kill as well. A growl builds in her throat. If she wanted any part of this meal, she would have to beat them there!

Picking up a bit of speed, she's surprised to see a head pop up from the other side that then begins barking at the pack of coyotes. Cal laughs and continues to charge head in. If the wolf wouldn't share when she was done beating the coyotes senseless, well then she'd make them!

Barreling toward the coyotes at full speed, Cal bashes into them as if she were a bowling ball knocking over pins. Swinging her head back and forth, flinging coyotes left and right, she doesn't hide the nearly sadistic grin that lines her pale lips.


Warning: Calliope is callous, rude, and unpredictable. Do NOT expect nice things from her.

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1. Mine! Mine! Mine! [Calliope] Algoma Prairie 09:02 AM, 02-11-2024 02:17 PM, 03-13-2024