
The most beautiful bitter fruit

for Valtiel



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An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualIce Bridge Explorer
02-14-2024, 01:10 PM

If her words seemed at all something displeasing to Valtiel she'd gladly stop talking, but she saw no sign of distress in the other woman. Not any more than she'd noticed before, from the exertion it took for such a journey. She wasn't the sort to speak just to make others feel better about things, though she was interested in other wolves' cultures and sharing a bit of her own in her process. "It sounds as though we believe similar things. Different words for the same concepts," she mused aloud. As always, she was glad to have found likeminded wolves here, even if Valtiel did not intend to stay here permanently. She was a welcome addition to Kiela's life in the meantime, especially with conversations like this.

For a moment she too stopped for a drink, savoring the taste of the crisp mountain spring. "I understand that. I do hope their next life is much kinder to them," she mused thoughtfully, sounding as empathetic as she was able to. Though she hadn't experienced such a loss, she could only imagine how hard it would be on any wolf, no matter what they did or didn't believe. It was hard to put herself in Valtiel's mindset, to imagine losing your very own children - she'd never experienced loss like that before. "I'll think of them when I pray to Jabme-Akka next. She is the deity said to soothe the spirits of children, to keep their spirits moving on to their next lives without distress. I have no doubt she has brought them great comfort."

Valtiel was lucky, then, that Tenshi had found her when she needed it most. She wondered if Tenshi had risked herself for save the other woman; such a feat of selflessness wasn't something that was in her veins but she'd couldn't imagine the scene not pulling at her own heartstrings. Though she had softness for few wolves at all, helpless children were definitely among that group if anyone was. "Tenshi and Víðarr are good wolves. We are lucky we've found our way to them," Kiela mused aloud, conversationally, after pausing for another long sip of water. Her own feelings on Víðarr in particular were hard to put into words, but she knew she was grateful.

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1. The most beautiful bitter fruit Fenrir's Maw 07:54 AM, 11-21-2023 04:48 PM, 05-07-2024