
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-13-2024, 11:02 PM

The question she always seemed to be chasing an answer for was what was she doing? What was her goal? She wasn't someone that felt like she always had to be working toward something, but to have no focus at all and aimlessly wandering without any kind of anchor didn't really feel like her style either. At least when she had been exploring the world a bit her own personal goal was to see more of the world outside of the island she had been raised on and the lands Elysium owned. There was no much else out there that she had never seen and that had been her goal–to see if there was anything else more exciting than what she already had. There had been plenty of pretty sights and landscapes to see, but ultimately she had met up with her mother and returned to Boreas in the end. She didn't necessarily want to live with her family permanently again, but she had missed at least being close enough to visit from time to time.

No she was adrift again, wandering between Ashen and Elysium and trying to figure out what her next goal was. She spent some time with her parents, went to visit her older siblings, and was now drifting back to Ashen once more. Since it was getting late as she wandered through the prairie she had begun looking for somewhere she could bed down for the night, but before she could the sound of a scuffle near by and the bleating panic of a deer caught her attention and made her gaze snap over toward the sound. Someone or something was on the hunt, it seemed. She paused where she was standing, a bit on high alert just in case the predator that was hunting the deer wasn't the friendly type. Before she could identify what was hunting the unfortunate deer, the unsteady and rushed thumps of hooves hitting the ground began to get louder, the scent of blood coming with it. The shape of the deer in question became more clear as it drew closer, seeming to not notice her in its panic or perhaps it was so close to death's door that it couldn't quite see where it was heading.

Either way, with the deer coming right for her she decided to give the hunter a bit of an assist–even though she doubted they really needed it since the gash across the deer's neck already looked deadly enough. She got down in the grass and waited for the deer to get within striking distance before leaping out and grabbing its back leg between her jaws. The already struggling prey animal toppled over fairly easily and floundered on the ground a bit while she pinned it to keep it from trying to get back up. Soon enough it succumbed to its wounds, finally bleeding out and falling still. Well, whoever started this hunt had done quite a number on this thing. She looked up and around, expecting the hunter to be shortly behind their prey, and sure enough her two-toned gaze landed on a crimson red, older male with dark points and dappling throughout. "I'm guessing this is yours?" she asked with a chuckle as she backed off from the downed deer, not wanting him to think she was trying to take it from him.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"