
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 12:26 AM
R equiem followed the trail of fresh blood across the dry grasses of the prairie, that delicious metallic tang of copper leading him like breadcrumbs through the forest toward his prize. The deer had a surprising amount of stamina still left in it, as it had gotten over the next small hill before the scent of blood began to get thicker and stronger on the air, signaling that he was getting closer. Cresting the hill, Requiem was surprised to find his kill being stood atop by a smaller wolf—a young merle fae—holding it down as the prey animal gave its last feeble twitches of life before it expired. Brows raising above his argent and ebony eyes, the dire brute prowled down closer to her, moving with graceful and deliberate strides. Was the girl a poacher trying to steal his kill, or was she offering up unsolicited aid? Well, only one way to find out...

D rawing near, Requiem met the young fae's mismatched eyes with his own silver pools, studying her for a moment as she made a light joke and retreated from the carcass. Oh, but she was such a lovely little thing to look at... Young, nubile, curves in all the right places... Knowing that she wasn't a poacher he was going to have to slaughter cast the skinny little missy in a new light to the brute, and suddenly his hunger for something far more primal was tantalized. How long had it been since all of his hungers had been sated? Perhaps if he played his cards right, this wouldn't be his only appetite satisfied tonight. A charming smile flashed across Requiem's muzzle as he regarded the young woman, chuckling in his low baritones with her. "Was it my being covered in blood that gave it away?" he joked back with her, running his pink tongue over his snout to clean away some of the blood spatter that had hit him when he'd struck the deer.

R equiem strode up to the dead deer, analyzing his kill for a moment. It was a sizable doe, with plenty of plump meat and fat to easily feed both wolves. Glancing back up at the beautiful stranger, Req gave her a disarming lopsided smile and waved to the deer with a giant paw. "Would you like to share with me? You did help bring it down, it's the least I could do to thank you," he spoke in smooth, almost purred tones with accents of his Latin accent peaking through his words. Requiem sat with the deer between him and the fae, inviting her in to share a meal with him. She didn't look malnourished by any means, meaning she could either fend for herself or someone was looking after her, but it was also dinnertime and he doubted she'd want to spend her night hunting for her own food. Bringing his jaws down to tear into the carcass, Requiem began to pull apart the deer's torso, ripping into its abdominal cavity to reveal all the choice tender meats and organs within, offering them to the lady first. "Does my lovely assistant have a name?" he asked her while he ripped hungrily into the doe's chest in search of his favorite part.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.