
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 12:45 AM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2024, 12:47 AM by Rusalka. Edited 2 times in total.)

She could tell from how the male was studying her as he approached that he was looking to see if she was trying to take his kill or not, but once she stepped back and gave him plenty of room he gave her a smile and returned her joking with some of his own. Whew, at least she didn't land herself in a fight she hadn't intended to be in. In all honesty she had hardly noticed the blood across his muzzle and chest with how deeply red his fur was and the dim light of the evening moon, but now that he was close enough for her to pick up on some finer details of his ruggedly handsome features she could see how the fur around his mouth was wet and clumped with blood. "That'll certainly give it away, yes," she agreed with a chuckle.

Even though she hadn't explicitly helped bring down the deer in hopes that he'd share the meal with her, she was pleased when he made the offer regardless. "How could a turn down an almost free meal?" she asked with a little grin and stepped a bit closer before she settled on her haunches while he began to tear into the freshly killed doe, exposing its meat and organs for them both to feast on. She had eaten a good meal before she departed Elysium so she wasn't ravenously hungry by any means, but now that the fresh kill was in front of her she was definitely reminded of the fact that it was time for dinner.

When he offered her first choice of the prey she gave him a grateful smile and leaned in to pull off a piece of tenderloin before settling on her stomach with the meat between her paws to eat. Her pale gaze lifted to meet his again as he questioned her for her name, replying, "It's Rusalka, though I usually go by Ruse." His mannerisms and tone were all very charming and smooth with a bit of an accent of some kind making his words sound slightly different than what she was used to. Even though it was fairly obvious that he was at least a couple of years older than she was he was handsome and quite suave. Even though she was still young she was far from the inexperienced, naive girl that had moved into Elysium so that she could stay close to Cerberus when her father had dissolved his first pack. She could tell that he was laying it on a bit thick, but she couldn't say that she minded. "And you, mighty hunter? What's your name?" she questioned in return, her tone teasing and a little smirk lingering on her lips.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"