
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 03:57 AM
T he pretty mottled fae accepted his invitation to share dinner with him with a sweet little smile of her own and settled in with him as he rent open the flesh to give her first dibs at the goodies within. In truth, Requiem was holding back on being overly charming and flirtatious with his lady companion, dropping the occasional compliment or charismatic tease only every so often. The art of seduction was just that—an art form that required subtlety and finesse. It was a game; a game where if he played well he would win exactly what he wanted. This girl was no whore to be bought or bedded with a few cheap words. Req could tell that just by a glance at her. No, she was a far greater prize to be won if he was willing to play the game well.

T he fae introduced herself as Rusalka, going by Ruse, and Requiem gave a thoughtful rumble as he sampled her name in his mind. "Rusalka," the dire brute purred, enunciating her name so he could taste it like he were tasting a fine wine. "Thank you for helping me tonight, Ruse." Requiem's paw fished around in the deer's chest cavity for a moment longer until his paw found the thick heart within, a triumphant grin on his lips as he ripped the muscle out and took a grateful bite out of it, savoring the flavor of fresh ungulate blood on his tongue. While Ruse devoured the tenderloin, she asked his name in turn, earning her a slightly bloodstained smile from the gargantuan brute. "Requiem. Enchanting to meet you," he replied, giving a tip of his snout to the pretty fae. "Although if you wanted to keep calling me mighty hunter, you won't get any complaints from me." Another amused chuckle rumbled deep within the depths of the dire wolf's broad chest. Little did she know his hunt was far from over yet...

A s the sun disappeared more and the stars and moon came out to bathe the world in silver light, the more Requiem's silver-toned eyes would seem to shine in the twilight, subtly roving over Ruse's form with great appreciation. She was a svelte and attractive young fae, and her fur seemed to shine in the evening light; a lovely piece of eye candy that was delightful to look at. She had clearly come from good breeding, and although she didn't have a pack scent on her, it was clear that she had been well cared for throughout her life. An alpha's daughter, maybe? Oh, the idea was so deliciously salacious to the lecherous brute. Being the kind of man he was, there was no consideration in Requiem's mind for whatever their age difference might be. So long as she was out of her yearling seasons, all was fair in love and war. "So do you usually make a habit of helping strangers and sharing meals with random brutes, or am I just exceptionally lucky tonight?" asked Req with an amused half smirk on his muzzle while he finished devouring the deer's heart, moving on to tearing into the animal's rib meat with a wet gnashing of fangs.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.