
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 11:32 AM

It was hard to hold back a little grin that pulled at her lips at the way the rougish stranger said her name. "Happy to help," she assured him at his thanks. Although she adored her siblings who had been her partners more often than any other chance encounter had been, there was just something different about how other men approached her and spoke to her that she liked. Her brothers–especially Cerberus–wanted to protect her and still treated her a bit like she was still the little girl they had known growing up. Other wolves she encountered on her travels had a different approach and it made her feel far more like the grown fae that she was. Requiem introduced himself with a sly comment about continuing to call him 'mighty hunter' that made her chuckle with amusement while she continued to work her way through the tenderloin she had chosen for herself. "Mighty hunter it is then," she joked, her tail wagging gently against the grass behind her.

While she enjoyed her dinner she couldn't help but watch while Requiem dug around in the doe's chest cavity. Before she could ask what he was hunting for so intently he yanked out the animal's heart victoriously. She blinked with surprise and watched as he devoured the organ as if it was the most delicious food he had ever been given. She had never seen someone specifically seek out the organs to make a meal on–and most certainly not a heart–but to each their own, she supposed. Quickly she realized that while she was watching him he was also looking at her, feeling his bright silver gaze roam across her. The feeling made her face flush slightly, but she focused back on her food with a little smirk at the corners of her lips. She certainly hadn't started out this night hoping that she'd find someone to spend the evening with, but now that the possibility was in front of her she didn't think she would turn the opportunity down either. Sure, perhaps he was at least as old as her father, but... they were both adults so did it really matter?

Her gaze refocused on his as he questioned whether she made a habit of doing this kind of thing and she smirked while she reached over to take another helping of meat from the doe. "I guess today is just your lucky day," she replied, giving him an coy, innocent smile that eventually gave way to a more sly grin. She definitely wasn't someone that was searching for a new partner every night by any means, but while she was out on her own she had definitely embraced the more more carefree, pleasure motivated side of herself. Helping him with his kill was just something that fell into her lap, so to speak, but staying for dinner for a bit of company was slightly more purposeful. She enjoyed the attention and not having to really hunt for herself. "I'm kind of surprised someone like you is out here all alone," she commented conversationally. It didn't seem like there was any trace of a pack mixed in with his scent and any other lingering scent of another wolf was stale at best if there was any at all. That wasn't a definitive answer to anything, of course, but an observation none of the less. "Usually its the less handsome and charming brutes that I bump into during my travels."

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"