
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 08:08 PM
T he casual banter between the two wolves continued innocently enough, though the more time passed between them, the less innocent it was becoming for the brute—and likewise it seemed so for the fae as well. Rusalka gave him a coy smile, a sweet look that flattered her lovely features before it gave way to a more adult grin, her pink and blue jewels flashing with the mischief of toying with him. Requiem liked a fae that could keep up with his banter, and doubly so when they were enjoying it as well. It made the game all the more enjoyable to both of them when he eventually won, because he would be winning this one. She replied that today was his lucky day and Req would certainly agree with her. He had gotten lucky to stumble upon this gorgeous little femme out alone in the wild lands!

R equiem returned her sly grin and chuckled under his breath as he finished stripping another rib of its meat, running his tongue over his lips to clean the blood away from them, all the while keeping Ruse's mismatched gaze with his. The two wolves were mutually watching one another, staring as if entranced, and although he could not know her motives his own were far more salacious than he was letting on. Still, he did not attempt to hide his appreciation for her attractiveness, practically fucking her with his gaze while they ate, silver eyes roaming across her feminine form. The fact that she was several years younger than him never even entered his mind. He didn't see some child that needed supervising. He saw a beautiful and mature young woman, and that was what he treated her as. Req couldn't know what her home life was like, but what he did know was that she seemed to be basking in this attention he was giving her and how he treated her, so he would continue to do so, leveraging this advantage in their game of seduction.

R use made a casual comment about his solitary nature and how that surprised her, earning her a thoughtful rumble from the massive crimson brute as he cleaned another rib of its meat. Then a remark about her usually encountering much less handsome and charming brutes and that pulled a hearty laugh from Requiem. "Maybe this is your lucky night too," he said, shooting her a playful wink and a suggestive grin. He was testing the waters, getting a little more naughty and risqué with his remarks to see how she responded to them. Nothing overtly lecherous—not yet. The game had to escalate at its own pace. "Well, thank you for your compliment. Coming from a gorgeous fae who could pull any brute she desired, I'm flattered."

R eq stretched out his body, letting his muscles flex for a moment as he relaxed sprawled out beside their kill, finishing up his meal with a chunk of flesh from the doe's tender underbelly. "Sadly for me, I've been on my own for a while now. I had a companion for a time, but she's fucked off somewhere on her own." Requiem rolled his eyes and waved a paw off as if dismissing the sour thoughts. Whatever. Lurid was probably dead by now and there was no use in crying over ghosts. Not when there was such a vivacious and alluring lady right here with him. "And what of yourself, Rusalka? Out here wandering the wild lands alone, or should I expect an angry family or jealous boyfriend to come beat me up at any moment?" Another roguish grin split Req's maw, flashing those pearly fangs to her as he continued with his sarcastic humor. She seemed to enjoy it, and it was more of his true nature than he usually showed to anyone—especially to his prey.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.