
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Master Navigator (240)

Advanced Fighter (65)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
02-14-2024, 08:39 PM

His playfulness and slightly suggestive response to her questioning just showed that his line of thinking was clearly following her own. His compliment earned him another sly grin, chuckling softly in response while she went to work licking her lips clean and cleaning away any stray blood from her paws, restoring the pale fur back to its previous state. Truly she would have been shocked if a lone brute like himself didn't try to at least hit on her, but if he had a partner of some kind waiting for him then perhaps that would prevent him from doing more than a slightly flirtatious comment. That's why she had been testing the waters in her own way, probing for a bit of information to see if he was actually on his own like she was or not so she knew better what to expect from the rest of her evening.

He revealed that he used to have a partner, but she had apparently abandoned him, leaving him to his own devices. That made her head tilt with a little frown, wondering to herself why she would have left, but she eventually gave a little shrug and replied, "Well... her loss, I suppose," with a smirk, returning some of his flirtation with a bit of her own. It already felt pretty clear where their night was heading, but she was enjoying the bit of banter they were having back and forth and the conversation that was revealing some of his humor and charm. She appreciated a brute's handsome looks as much as any other fae, but if he was dull and boring to talk to then that was hardly a fun time. When he returned the same line of questioning to her, asking if he should be expecting any angry family members or a jealous boyfriend to come after him, she laughed lightly and replied, "No jealous boyfriends to worry yourself with. An overly protective father, perhaps... but he's too busy with all of his wives and children to worry about me enjoying myself a little bit." Besides, what her father didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

With their dinner completed, she stretched out as well, reaching her forelegs out in front of her with a pleased groan before she settled back with a content sigh, leaning onto her side and crossing her paws in front of her. "So, Requiem, the mighty hunter and newly lone bachelor... I guess the only question now is whether or not you're going to risk the wrath of my father or not," she teased him slyly, amusement and interest lighting up her dual toned gaze. She wasn't usually this forward in her own advances, but she was enjoying matching his energy and perhaps even pushing it along even further. Her life lacked a direction or any kind of real entertainment so now that she had at least a temporary source of both of those things she couldn't just pass that up. She raised a brow at him curiously with a smirk lingering on her lips while she waited for his response, hopeful that she hadn't been horridly misreading his signals.

"Rusalka Alondra Klein"