
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... you can't fool me twice




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

02-14-2024, 09:47 PM
R equiem couldn't resist the snarky smug smirk that slowly spread across his muzzle when Rusalka tilted her head and said it was Lurid's loss that she had run away from him. Yeah, it certainly was her loss. Requiem had been nothing but blindly loyal to her from day one and she'd thrown that loyalty back in his face time and time again. First with Alastor, then with Mirovis, now with their pups or whatever had happened to them. That was assuming she had been pregnant at all and hadn't just been manipulating him again like the cunt bitch she was. Silver eyes flashed with cheeky mirth as he looked across at Ruse once more, seeing that sly grin on her pretty face and knowing exactly what was on her mind and where their evening was headed at this rate. The game was almost done now and they would both be getting what they wanted tonight. Another successful hunt for the master predator.

R usalka's answer inspired confidence. As much fun as it would have been to steal her away and fuck some other brute's fae to vent some of the spite and anger his treacherous fiancée had left him with, knowing that there wouldn't be anybody coming to look for her tonight meant they could indulge in one another all night long until both of them were fully satisfied. Plus the idea of pissing off her overprotective daddy by railing his precious little girl brought a naughty smirk to the dire brute's lips. The mention of her father enjoying all of his wives plural and other children did raise a curious brow on his forehead, but those were questions he could ask later, perhaps amidst some pillow talk while they recuperated. As if reading his mind, Ruse gave a long languid stretch of her slender body with a lovely little sound before crossing her paws and fixing him with a sly look as she asked if he was going to risk the wrath of her overprotective father. The brute's eyes lit up and that lecherous grin grew wider. That was all the invitation he needed.

R ising to his paws, the giant brute stood at his full height above the svelte little fae, truly taking in just how much smaller and petite she was. He stepped over the remains of the deer carcass to Ruse's side and craned his neck down as a giant paw lifted to caress her cheek and tilt her muzzle upwards, bringing his snout to within millimeters of her own, the thinnest gap of space separating their mouths to the point where he could feel her breath against his lips. Requiem held there for a moment, teasing her with their proximity and his advances, though he didn't think she'd resist given how their chemistry had led them so far tonight. A trace of a smirk pulled at his lips and Req's paw slowly stroked from Ruse's cheek down the side of her neck, sliding beneath her chin to cup her jaw and hold her ever so close yet just out of range of their lips touching. He breathed in her scent, letting her smell linger in his brain while he took her in. "I'm going to make your father hate me by the end of the night," he purred in deep, husky tones that dripped with lustful intent, revealing a little more of the lecherous brute's true nature. Then he chuckled and let his paw fall away from her jaw as he stood up again, letting her twist in his teasing to rile her up even more.

S hooting Ruse a wanton and inviting grin, Requiem motioned for her to follow him with a nod of his head, and then once she had stood he put on a display of strength to impress her as he suddenly ducked his larger, toned body beneath hers and hoisted her smaller form up over his back. Still grinning playfully, Req gave her a quick "Hang on, beautiful," and then he was whisking her off across the darkening prairie back in the direction his temporary den was. A short sprint later and the giant wolf was carrying his fae down into a den in the side of a hill that could comfortably fit the pair of wolves. The den was sparse given its makeshift nature, but the sprawling bedding of furs and soft brush was all they would need tonight. Requiem deposited Ruse down onto the bed with a gentle roll, and then he was climbing on top of her, keeping her svelte body pinned down to the bedding with his own massive form. Silver eyes gleamed with a primal hunger in the dark as he grinned down at her like a predator about to savor a meal, drinking in the sight of this sexy fae beneath his body. His gaze devoured her body up and down a couple of times before he finally relented and gave in to his urges, lowering his muzzle to claim her mouth with his own in a slow, heated kiss, large paws braced on either side of her to keep her from slipping away as he gripped at the furs below them. He was going to make the most of tonight and enjoy her thoroughly.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.