
morning sickness is a bitch



"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
02-15-2024, 09:31 AM

"Yes, if you'd like to help," Tenshi replies warmly, a smile on her lips as she continues to collect enough mint to fill the basket up. Surely they would need more at a later date, and if they were able to dry some, she could store it for next season and the season after that. She wonders if Ulfr would want some for his mead. A warm minty mead for when the days are cold? It sounded splendid.

Content to be in companionable silence, she is surprised when Kiela asks a personal question. Her previous interactions with the woman hadn't delved into personal matters, but Tenshi doesn't mind. Others were sure to be curious about the woman Vidarr called his wife. "Any question is an acceptable question," Tenshi speaks earnestly, her gaze moving over to Kiela to glance over the other woman. She could see what Vidarr saw in her, she didn't blame him for being drawn to the reindeer herder.

"Children have always been in my life plan. Before I came to Boreas, an unfortunate event ended in the extinction of my entire clan. Including my mate and pups," her voice hitches, a pause as her face steels for a brief moment before the emotion sweeps away. No one ever said the pain would completely go away. "I had not come here in search for a mate specifically to have children. My original intent of travel had been to find the man that is related to the cruel leader that took out my pack. If I found him, I wanted to either take him back and use him as blackmail or kill him myself before taking him back, dead or alive didn't matter," there's a hint of laughter in her tone now, "Unfortunately for me, my blind rage subsided the moment I met Vidarr. I did end up finding the wolf I searched for, but he proves to be someone who has nothing to do with what happened in my past," Tenshi's shoulders shrug before she continues. "I thought that perhaps I might have fallen for that man, but I think it is because he reminded me so much of my late husband that I sunk back into what I was familiar with, but Vidarr never really left my mind," she sighs wistfully, the shadowed Viking King was always a fond thought in her mind. "When our paths crossed again, I knew then what I had been missing and it was him," Tenshi looks to Kiela, feeling a tad embarrassed for rambling on. "Apologies, I tend to chatter on sometimes," she laughs, trying to brush off the awkwardness she felt now.


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1. morning sickness is a bitch Fenrir's Maw 09:27 AM, 11-28-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024