
Prepare for the main event




Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
02-20-2024, 05:15 PM

The Mendacium siblings have been crashing on Valta’s metaphorical couch for a few seasons now and, while Mar works to further her knowledge about healing, Malico has been seeking out lessons on hunting every chance he gets. So, when huge, golden wolf had approached him about his interest and proposes going out to scout for a herd buffalo that may be nearby and gather intel on the prey, of course the purple young man eagerly agreed to go with him.

Early morning sunlight fills the sky and reaches its warm tendrils down to the pair of wolves who lazily walk to the land where the redbud trees wait. Turquoise eyes lift to find Arcturus’s blue gaze as the older male explains the plan and Mal bobs his head in understanding before shoots Arc a half-grin as the man splits off. They can cover more ground of they go they go sperate ways and the purple wolf begins to search for any signs of the huge animals passing.

Nose works as he wanders underneath the canopy of trees, the beautiful leaves breaking up the sunlight and causing it to dapple the vibrant green grass as his galactic form slips by them. Eyes scan the area, trying to find any indication that the buffalo have been this way but winding up with nothing. Frustration slowly mounts as the steps build with still no signs to show for it… until he happens upon a clearing within the trees.

There, stuck in the white bark of one of the trees on the outskirts, is a thick patch of shaggy brown fur. Excitedly, Malico moves to it and puts his nose near it, pulling in the scent and matching it to the markers he has stored in his mind. A smirk tugs at his lips as he realizes that this is a piece of buffalo fur and he quickly turns his attention over to the small clearing to search for further evidence.

Divots of earth have pulled up and tossed onto the grass and, where the fresh dirt does not mar the landscape, the grass shows obvious signs of having been trampled. Add to that, the semi-fresh droppings and Mal is tipping his head back to boom a call to Arc, letting the man know he has found some signs of their passing. With that done, he slowly continues to walk through the area, noting the direction that the heavy hooves seem to have gone while he waits for Arcturus to appear so he can explain what he has found.

The young man can’t help but wag his tail in excitement at his fortuitous findings.

WC: 440
Total WC: 856 / 1500

"Malico Mendacium"

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1. Prepare for the main event Redbud Nook 05:39 PM, 01-22-2024 12:32 PM, 07-16-2024