
rhinestone eyes



"I'll be a good Girl in Hell"

The Syndicate

Master Fighter (405)

Master Intellectual (375)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years

TeacherWinnerHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Pride - DemisexualPride - BisexualPride - Demisexual
Double MasterWordyStudentBest BudsHomebodyRapid Poster - Rainbow
02-15-2024, 04:29 PM
It is a mixture of fascination and intrigue that clouds her mind in the presence of this woman. The lavender wolf's nervous energy is palpable, her uncertainty like a delicate veil – one Absinth is eager to …explore. And she, accustomed to the dance of flirtation, finds herself drawn to Andy's naivety, to the raw emotions that flicker in her eyes. It’s endearing, in a way. Enticing in many more. As Andy stumbles over compliments and fumbles for words, embarrassed and flustered… Absinth can't help but feel a surge of affection for this gentle soul. Such power in battle, and here she was dissolving into a bashful mess. There's a… certain beauty to be found in that, isn’t there? Absinth certainly thinks so. She watches with amusement, briefly reminded of this same odd interest she held for Karaka. Beautiful. Innocent. Pure. A bit like a plaything, but Absinth was not in the market for toys like some of the Saxe’s so enjoyed. Fucking hell, did she have a type? An inclination for a… chase? What did it mean?

Absinth's own confidence is unwavering as she closes the gap between them, her words laced with playful charm and genuine interest. Absinth edges closer, so boldly testing her limits, her gaze amorously roves over the lavender woman's body. My, she’s beginning to feel like something of a villain, twisting up this woman’s guts in… excitement? Or so she hopes. But pushing too far would do no good, and she could very well trigger some kind of fight or flight response. An internal sigh, as she reigned in her hungry eyes. “Oh, but your compliments are sweet nonetheless. Sincerity is quite attractive.” The monochromatic fae chuckles, her shoulders rolling forward as she sits before her lovely warrior. Her skull cranes, a brow quirks as she listens to the other woman’s words.

When Andy offers her name, Absinth feels a flutter of satisfaction in her chest. Andromeda, She repeats, savoring the sound of it on her tongue. Andromeda.  It's a name that suits her, Absinth thinks. A name that speaks to her strength and resilience… Absinth’s father had once told her of something called a galaxy, one of them had been named Andromeda as well. Though it was from a long time ago, from word of mouth passed through literature and song. But if she were to affix this woman’s name to her permanent memory, it would pair nicely with the night’s sky, wouldn’t it? She could almost imagine stars glittering across the pale coat of her’s, and maybe a few would divert away into her eyes and glimmer back at Absinth. Hah. Why did she feel more and more like she was becoming her father, chaotic poetry and all? “How beautiful.” So transfixed by the woman and her own musings, it took Absinth many moments to even consider the name again. Andromeda? Aresenn’s Andromeda? Daughter of the Warlord? The Warlord Absinth had made that deal for armor some time ago. Absinth did not allow her face to warp, but her lips did quiver in it’s usual fashion - her smile widening brightly. But was she mistaken? She couldn’t afford to be. There was confirmation to be gained. But. She had a face to the name now… and if she was right – she would do well not to let the knowledge of the surname slip free from her maw as it had with the girl’s father. Besides… if she was Aresenn’s Andy, wasn’t this a perfect opportunity to see just what he saw in her? Certainly she was already getting an inkling. Hadn't he described her just as she was? Sweet. Naive. Selfless.

Itwas utterly delicious to hear her own name fall from Andy’s lips, so finely spoken,  "Yes, I do," Absinth replies when Andy asks if she lives nearby, her voice soft and warm. "For now." She adds, and there's a hint of mystery in her words, something meant to beckon Andy’s intrigue further.

And as they continue to talk, Absinth can't help but marvel at the strange alchemy of emotions that swirls between them. It’s tense, and curious. “So, what brings you to the Sound, Andy? Anything I can help you with~? I do owe a favor to my knight in shining armor.” Absinth grins at Andromeda, winking at her with a roguish giggle following suit.


m o o d b o a r d 
Absi is a mature character. She's very vulgar and volatile. Discretion advised.

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1. rhinestone eyes The Polar Sound 08:24 PM, 12-18-2023 01:20 PM, 06-20-2024